Monday, October 21, 2013

And the Winners Are....

Thank you to all who participated in my 1 Night Stand Birthday Celebration!
wins a download of Handcuffs & Silk
wins the Bed of Roses kit

Monday Mojo - Lovin' Things

Some people are sexually attracted to objects

While we all may see beauty in inanimate objects such as the Eiffel Tower and the historical Berlin Wall, some people love buildings, objects or architecture so much that they develop a sexual attraction toward these objects. One lady became so besotted by the Eiffel Tower that she had a civil ceremony with it in 2007 and changed her surname to “Eiffel” to reflect the bond. There are a small number of people around the world who feel a sensual, emotional and physical attraction to inanimate objects and they call themselves “objectum sexuals”.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sensual Saturday - How to Have a 1 Night Stand

I love writing and reading books from the 1 Night Stand series. I'm sure by now many of you are hooked on these stories. But how would you like to have a 1 Night Stand of your own with the honey you've been with through thick and thin, tears and laughter, kids and pets?
Pick a nice quiet night when it’s just the two of you.  
Cold autumn nights are perfect for a fire in the fireplace.
Here's how to start... darken a large room, perhaps the living room. Be sure the room is lit by firelight and/or candles. If you use scented candles, select vanilla or spice. Toss some fluffy pillows onto the floor. (I suggest satin in jewel tones.)  Spread a soft blanket or two next to the pillows.( Blankets should be fleece or Indian blankets. Avoid busy designs, itchy wool or children’s patterns.) Bravo if you have a fur rug and use it for what it's meant to be used for!
 Romantic lighting, sensual fabrics, you just need skin to skin contact and you are all set for a deeply intimate encounter.  Hmm…sounds nice doesn’t it? 
Truly enjoy that special alone time with your honey, pour a couple glasses of wine and drop your clothes. It’s time for some Floor Play!
Lie down and get comfortable. Spend some time slowly exploring each other.
Time to heat things up a bit. Blindfold your honey and straddle him, letting your legs rest along side of his body.  Begin by dripping warmed massage oil over his body, rubbing it in with long sensual strokes.  The key to sensual massage is to adore every inch of your partner’s body.  Enchant his senses by varying the intensity of your touch and being creative.  Use your fingertips, knuckles, and the heel of your hand, your elbows, and your forearms. 

Tease him with an ostrich feather from head to toe, and then pleasure him orally for a few moments.  Go back to massaging him.  Slip a piece of ice into your mouth and let it melt.  Delight his senses with your cold mouth on his hot body.

Rip off his blindfold (or not) and have your way with him. 

Repeat this process only with you wearing the blindfold.  Ask him to drip wine down your back then lick it off for an erotic effect.

Enjoy your 1 Night Stand with each other!
Be sure to enter my contest for a chance to win a copy of Handcuffs & Silk
Bed of Roses Seduction Kit

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fetish Friday - Handcuffs & Silk

She kissed him as she unlocked the cuffs holding his wrists to the headboard. “Roll over.”

Without a word, he did as she commanded. She’d retrieved his set of ankle cuffs and interlaced them through the cuffs at his wrists.

Hog-tied and at her mercy.

“Hunter.” Her breath caressed his ear as she whispered, “I’ve put the key to the cuffs in a glass of ice. Once the ice melts, you can set yourself free. If you free yourself within an hour, you can perform any sex act on me you wish. If you can’t break yourself free, I expect you to perform any sex act I wish. Until then, you are my prisoner and will do as I say.”

This excerpt is from the 1 Night Stand story 
Handcuffs & Silk.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Humpday Hottie

do you want to see the inspiration behind the hunk in Handcuffs & Silk?
What'd ya think?
Hot enough for you?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tasty Tuesday - The Unescpected Spicey Sweet with Eva Lefoy

Welcome special guest, Eva Lefoy today!

Have you met Putting Up With the Turnbulls yet? If you’re at all into “putting food by” as they say, or aka: canning such as jam, jelly, etc. you might want to check out their blog. They’ve got some stuff on there that’s simply delish!

I’ve made the Beer Jelly and quite liked it, but it’s the Tomato Jam that’s flying off my shelf. *gives little sister the stink-eye* Good thing I’m getting very adept at making it. Bad thing – I’m out of tomatoes!

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that when I think of tomatoes and the word canned together I tend to think of canned whole tomatoes or tomato paste. At the very least prepared spaghetti sauce or salsa. But this little gem of recipe is none of those things. It’s guaranteed to take your tastebuds for a different kind of ride.

Take a look:
5 Pounds of tomatoes – small amount, but remember this is jam. Can’t make good jam in big batches. 3.5 cups of sugar
8 tbs lime juice
2 tsp freshly grated ginger – note: I cheat and used dried ground and double it
1 tsp cinnamon – I double this too
½ tsp ground clove
1 tbs salt
1 tbs red chili flakes

How does it look? You’ve got sugar and tomatoes which one doesn’t normally think of together. And you’ve got all those interesting spices that almost make it sound like Greek meatballs you’ve got cooking and not jam. The red pepper flakes add just the right kick to take this from sweet to savory.
If you’re interested give it a try! You won’t be disappointed.

And speaking of spices, I mentioned Greek food and you’ll find a lot of cinnamon and such in meat dishes from that country. Also, the array of spices in Indian cooking is similar – a little hot, a little sweet. I happen to like Indian food quite a bit. Perhaps that’s why I wrote my very first 1 Night Stand for Decadent Publishing set in India!

While there’s only a quick passing mention of curry in the text, there’s a lot of hotness and a lot of sweet between two sexy men. The book will be out --- soonish (bows to 1NS book gods) ---- but in the meantime, here’s the cover:

Now if that isn’t hot and sweet I don’t know what is!

Thanks, Mary for hosting me. And y’all come visit her on my site where she’s talking about her 1 Night Stand story, Handcuffs and Silk, which has a gorgeous cover by the way!

Thanks for reading and I hope some of you try the jam! Books and jam are two things one can rarely regret!

~ Eva

By the way there’s a giveaway going on at Decadent Publishing to celebrate the 1 Night Stand 200th book. Enter here

Bio: Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.

Amazon Author Page

My current book out with Decadent Publishing is Sweet Cravings and it’s a foodie romance available here: Decadent Publishing / Amazon U.S. / Amazon UK / Barnes and Noble / All Romance Ebooks

My 1 Night Stand Giveaway

In celebration of 1 Night Stand Series Birthday
I am offering two awesome prizes.
Prize 1. A lucky person will receive a free download of my first 1 Night Stand Book,
 Handcuffs & Silk

Prize 2. Another person will win a Romantic Bed of Roses kit.
This kit contains key items for a night of seduction.
150 scented silk rose petals
4 mood setting candles
A special invitation card and guide

Monday, October 14, 2013

Welcome to 1 Night Stand

1Night Stand (1NS) is name of an exclusive online dating service owned by Madame Evangeline “Eve” has no employees. She runs the business entirely alone. Madame Eve is a cultured and educated Frenchwoman, but she isn’t cliché.

1 Night Stand is a high-end, very expensive matching service.  Madame Eve does not advertise her services. All business is done through referrals of satisfied customers. Madame Eve does an extensive background check on all of her clients before she matches them up. Every match she makes is completely safe for all parties involved. Madame Eve seems to be a bit magical...a number of clients have questioned if she has some supernatural ability to find perfect matches. It is obvious her goal is long-term love/relationships/happiness for her clients, not just a one night hookup.

Madame typically uses Castillo Resorts and Hotels for her client's rendezvous while in Vegas. There are several Castillo hotels and resorts around the world (and beyond!). All of the hotels are very high-end luxury. However, since this is an internet business, the encounters can take place anywhere including the past, present or future.

Castillo Resorts and Hotels are owned by Jackson Castillo and family. Jackson's parents emigrated from Cuba prior to the Cuban revolution.

Aside from direct verbal contact with Jackson and Jagger Castillo, owners of the resorts where most of the one-night stands take place, Madame Eve is never seen or heard. All correspondence with Eve is done via email, text messages or fax.


Are you ready for a 1 Night Stand?


Sunday, October 13, 2013

1 Night Stand Celebration Oct. 14-20

A few years back, three amazing gals proposed a 3-book series about an elegant Frenchwoman who set up 1Night Stands and the couples ended up HEA. After they wrote the first few books, they chatted it up to a few authors they knew who decided THEY wanted to write a story for the series, too. And then.....the idea exploded! With over 200 books in the 1 Night Stand Series and a bunch of wonderful authors, Decadent Publishing is celebrating this month with blog tours, author interviews and prizes.
Valerie Mann was one of those three amazing gals and I was one of those first authors. Handcuffs & Silk was the first 1NS I wrote. Thank you Val for introducing me to Madame Eve and including me in this wonderful adventure.

Join me and the rest of the 1NS team
during a weeklong celebration
Oct 14 - 20.

1  Night Stand Blog

Facebook - Decadent Publishing Book Club Discussion

Twitter - Decadent Publishing

We will have a special giveaway - 1Night Out on 1Night Stand's Madame Eve!

Grand prize is a $25 Fandango gift card plus 5 1NS titles of the winner's choice

2nd prize is a paperback from the vault plus swag
3rd is a 1NS ebook (several winners).

Friday, October 11, 2013

Firty Friday

I know milk does good for the body
but DAMN how much did you drink?