Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday 13 - Sensual Touch

Something as simple as a touch can arouse a person. Unfortunately in today’s world the act of slow, sensitive, exploring touches is often forgotten when it comes to romance and love making. Humans from early on are affected and nurtured through touching. As adults, we still crave to touch and be touched; an act relevant to initiate us into the mysteries of sex. Touching each other is a form of communication showing trust, love, desire, as well as an opportunity to learn about each other.

Here is a list of 13 erogenous zones that are most likely to provoke sensual responses.

1. Scalp and Hair. The scalp is very sensitive to touch and who doesn’t enjoy having someone run fingers through their hair?

2. Ears and Neck. Possibly amount the most sensitive parts of the body. Being stroked, nibbled, or licked or even feeling a lover’s hot breath in this area can be very arousing.

3. The Waist. Not often thought of as an erogenous zone, but a bit of kissing, licking, squeezing, and stroking can have an erotic effect. Personally, I like to feel my honey’s hands on my waist. Try it.

4. The Torso. The sides of the torso can be surprisingly responsive to touch, especially light brushing of fingertips or gentle nibbling.

5. The Spine. Very sensitive area you may need to discuss with your partner to see what is preferred. Try a warm touch with lotion or a cold touch with an ice cube.
6. The Chest. Although not as sensitive as the breasts, try light, teasing strokes and slow lingering caresses to create a pleasurable sensual touch.

7. Breasts. Duh. But did you know a man’s nipples are actually more sensitive than a woman’s?

8. The Thighs. The inside of the thighs is highly sensitive. The closer the touch is to the groin, the more exquisite and arousing will be the sensations.

9. The Backs of the Legs. The hollows at the backs of the knees are especially sensitive to touch; try soft touches with fingertips or gentle kisses.

10. The Butt. I love a tight ass. Hmm… there are numerous ways of touching the butt. Try ranging from feather light caresses to squeezing and even spanking.

11. The Face. Yes, cheeks and lips but try placing a kiss on the eyelids. Hmmm…. Feels great giving and receiving.

12. The Neck and Throat. This area responds wonderfully to gentle kisses and delicate fingertip caresses.

13. The Feet. Another area you may need to discuss with your partner. While some people enjoy feet others may be turned off by them. This area is very sensitive to touch from the tips of the toes to the ankle. A foot massage is a great form of relaxing as well.

What is your favorite erogenous zone and how do you like to be touched?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Moday Mojo - Great Book for V-Day

I often post tips for couples on adding spice to their love life.
Here is a perfect opportunity to have some "couple fun". 
 Now through Feb. 12th,
buy one book at Lover's Lane
and get another book of equal or lesser value FREE!
(In-Store Only.)
Great gift item for Valentine's Day
and night
and every night afterwards.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Celebrating with Zombie Killer Wine

Edits are done and now back in the hands of my editor so I'm celebrating with a bottle of Zombie Killer Cherry Cyser. I'm a strong suported of brews and wine produced in my state and this delightful bottle was created by B. Nektar Meadery in Ferndale, Michigan. This is a Gold-Medal winning mead that a bunch of locals have been raving about, so I had to take my shot at it. B. Nektar has a fun sense of humor as you can see with their anti-zombie rhetoric on the bottle story and also on their website.

The label art done by Marcus Christy is very cool. It takes the zombie theme and applies it to a main ingredient, cherries. One cherry is killing the another zombie cherry with a sword while cherry juice blood is splattered everywhere. I save my emtpy bottles of Witches Brew to use in Halloween displays and I believe I'll add this bottle to my collection. Maybe even put in a string of lights for effect.

  I was introduced to mead when I was 16 staying with friends in Leicester, England. I've loved it ever since. This mead really coats the palate. It has some body but the tart zing really keeps the sweeter aspects at bay. Apple cidery zip, dry finish, delicious juiciness. The carbonation adds a nice little touch of effervescence that brings the flavors to the tip of your tongue. Ahhh... a great way to celebrate the end of a book.
Oh, oh... a zombie plot bunny just limped by. Hmmm.... will I write a zombie erotic romance story next? Ewe.

Why am I suddenly
in the mood to watch
Warm Bodies?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday 13 - Tips for Successful Flirting


1: Don't Come On Too Strong

Flirting is all about subtlety, and being too aggressive when pursuing someone can turn him off. Levine agrees: "Women are more likely to strike out when they try too hard, act too available, or take the mystery out by making the outcome obvious," she notes.
Likewise, it's not smart to play too hard to get either. Although most men enjoy some degree of a challenge, if you continue to discourage or reject them, they will give up.

2: It Takes Confidence

Although you may be secretly quaking in your boots anytime he even looks at you, it's important to project a confident attitude. If you are a naturally shy person, this may be easier said than done, but Levine recommends wearing a new outfit or something that makes you feel good about yourself. "Sexy shoes can make you feel especially powerful!" she adds.

3: Drop Physical Clues

If the object of your affection is at a distance, making eye contact and smiling are sure-fire ways to grab his attention. Within closer distances, try gently touching him on the arm or chest while he's talking, but be careful not to linger too long and create an awkward moment.

"If time is flying by, you're both having fun, and neither of you is wasted, he'll likely ask you out and follow through. If not, and you want to see him again, tell him in a flirty way. If he's doesn't ask for your number at that point, leave it be-you're saving yourself a headache later on. And, most importantly don't take it personally."

4: Don't Forget to Be Yourself

Lastly, "to have a relationship that's real and lasting, the bottom line is to be yourself," says Levine. "To get to that point, it's trial and error. What doesn't work with one guy will work on another. Your heart is on the line, and until you make your move, you won't know the benefits or the ramifications."

5: Smile.

It seems obvious, but one of the best moves is a big smile. Do you smile enough? Practice smiling in the mirror -- your smile needs to get noticed. For the most impact, it should be a genuine smile, not forced. Make sure your teeth are white and your breath is fresh.

6: Hold eye contact.

See that cute guy across the room? One of the best ways to let him know you are interested is to get caught looking. Look him up and down, stare and wait until he notices. Then, make eye contact and hold it until it's almost uncomfortable, then look down and away.

7: Make "accidental" contact.

Touch is powerful. Touch his back as you walk by his desk. Brush his hand as you sit at the bar. Touch his shoulder briefly when you are introduced. If he's interested, he'll welcome this type of non-intrusive touching. If you feel him pull away, don't do it again.

8: Do the foot jiggle.

The dating advice book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love, suggests the foot jiggle move. And it works. While sitting down, cross your legs and then jiggle your foot in his direction. If he's interested, he'll get it.

9: Whisper.

At a crowded party or club, where everyone is yelling to be heard, lean in and whisper. It's a great excuse to get closer. Whisper softly, so he'll have to lean in even closer to hear you. After a few minutes of intimate whispering, don't be surprised if you hear, "Do you wan Talk about sports.

A hot woman who knows about sports is a guy's dream. Brush up on your sports knowledge and then take your flirting game to a sports bar or sporting event. Just a few (correct) observations about his favorite team will get his motor running.

10: Rub your shoulder.

Rub your shoulder or neck like you have a crick, then just sigh. If he's interested, he'll find it sexy and probably offer you a quick massage. While he's massaging, be sure to compliment him on his strong hands.

11: Laugh a little.

Laugh at his jokes if they are funny; be a little sarcastic if they aren't. He'll enjoy the banter. Relax and laugh a little, but don't laugh at everything he says or try to be a comedian yourself. Just act natural and comfortable.

12: Have a line.

Corny lines actually work sometimes. Ask if you can have a look at his cell phone. After giving it the once-over, say, "It's pretty nice, but it's missing one thing" -- which is, of course, your number. At least, you'll get a laugh. At best, you'll have given him your number.

13: Be straightforward.

Sometimes, the best flirting move is the boldest one. Being straightforward is especially effective if you are looking for a one-night stand. Place your hand his knee, make direct eye contact and tell him he's hot. If he's interested, you'll be between the sheets before you know it.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday Thirteen - 13 Ways to Heat Up A Batch of Passion

I love autumn because of the wonderful food so I end up spending quite a bit of time in the kitchen. Anyways, while I was making some pumpkin spice bread my mind started wandering about other ways to have fun in the kitchen… without kids around that is.

1. Wearing only an apron will stop any man in his tracks.

2. Be silly and wear an apron that says “Hot Stuff”…. Ask him to undress and put on one that says “Grill Master”.

3. Check at your local “lovers lane” type of store for an apron style teddy. Oooo… how about a maid or chef costume!

4. If you are clothed, the kitchen sometimes gets a bit too hot so try stripping down to your birthday suit one piece at a time. Sometimes it can be fun to let him watch but not taste… uh… I mean touch until it’s done.

5. Better yet… imagine your honey walking in to see you at the stove wearing only your birthday suit!

6. Hmmm…. Try sipping a glass of red wine while cooking. How about some special food such as anything dipped in chocolate?

7. Yummy scents such as pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla or even a batch of fresh cookies can get that blood flowing.

8. Make something with oysters or chili peppers – items known for being aphrodisiacs.

9. Cook with your honey. Use your fingers to mix ingredients, lick each others fingers, or have a food fight.

10. Blindfold each other and taste test foods prepared with a variety of textures, tastes, and temperatures. Take turns feeding each other.

11. So the heat is on, are you naked yet? Sit on the counter or lay on a table while he stands at the edge, wrap your legs around his waist.

12. Can’t stop stirring that sauce? No problem! You keep stirring while he snuggles up to your back for a rear entry position. Make sure you put in a request for extra neck nibbles.

13. Getting too hot? Oh, hell with it! Just throw him on the floor, poor the wine all over him and lick it off!

Excuse me… I need to run to the market for some more red wine. Do you have a kitchen fantasy?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Queen of Hearts on Sale Now

Jenny has secretly lusted for her sexy next door neighbor for years but won't cross that invisible line dividing friendship and romance even if it is Valentine's Day. Josh is done with his provocative life and ready to settle down. With a few tricks up his sleeve and the Valentine's Day costume party, he takes a chance on seducing his best girl pal. Will the Queen of Hearts allow herself to be seduced by Madd Hatter's kiss and offer of more? On Sale Now for only $1.99 at Smashwords.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Humpday Help - Plot Bunnies

For the next several weeks, Humpday Help will attempt to explain Plot Bunnies. First of all, a Plot Bunny is an idea for a story that gnaws at the brain until written.
Some well known plot bunnies that have been positively identified. There are various breeds, thousands of them, and many aren't even tied to writing. Inventors and scientists have their own breeds of plot bunnies that lead them to discoveries where A leads to B which jumps to G or even Z.
Here are a few Plot Bunnies that commonly plague writers.
The Lop-eared Sitting Around Talking Shorthair
Physical Characteristics: Lop ears, short brown/grey flecked fur
How to identify his presence: When your characters inevitably come to a point where the plot simply won't advance, so they sit on a couch/the ground/ a golf cart/ a pirate ship and start talking about nothing in particular. Some couple thousand words later, a plot bunny pops up, grins, and heads off! It can always be discovered in this kind of plot stall, and it's known for waiting until the last possible moment (the moment when you are about to throw your laptop across the table) to come and create a diversion.
The Mystery Plot Bunny
Physical Characteristics: Black, short hair with small, pointed ears.
How to identify his presence: This bunny is attracted to plots which aren't usually intended to have any mystery. The bad guys are known, the goal is visible, but suddenly the Mystery Plot Bunny appears and there's a piece of information lacking, a lost object, or an unknown baddie that needs to be discovered and stopped.
This bunny is known to complicate plots far more than they need to be. Usually can be made happy with a missing item, but sometimes demands the more involved mysteries.
Killer bunny
Physical Characteristics: Small, white, red eyes
How to identify his presence: Not unlike the much-feared Monty Python variety, this little white bunny looks harmless as you're writing along, and then up close, abruptly kills off a character you weren't expecting to kill - at least, you didn't intend for it to go right THEN! In its wake, it leave behind a host of new plot opportunities... as well as some definite Closed Paths.