Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday Mojo - skin care

Things that make you go Hmmm....

 Fascinating Fact: Sperm is good for the skin

The proteins in sperm have a tightening effect on the skin. When sperm is left to dry, the evaporation of the water in it leaves behind protein which can help to reduce wrinkles. While this may be an excellent anti-aging treatment, the obvious downside is that you have to walk around with sperm on your face.

I think I'll continue using Olay.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Mojo - Weight loss

Things that make you go Hmmm....

Fascinating Fact: Sexual acts lead to weight loss

The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Humpday Help - "What's a Bodice Ripper?"


Being a writer in the romance genre, I hear the term "Bodice Ripper" occasionally. Today's writers don't care for the term too much and are quick to correct the person who uses the phrase.
"Bodice Ripper" is considered a derogatory term for all romances. It was inspired by some early historical romances that featured rape fantasies or included rape as part of the plot. This term is used most often by people who do not read romance books.

Today's romance is sensitive to the needs and emotions of women. Rape is not part of today's storylines! Romance writers focus on the emotion and sensuality between characters; providing the reader a chance to escape from every day life into a variety of plots and a world of passion.

Erotic romance sometimes referred to as "romantica", is a story at the more erotic end of the romance spectrum. These adventures will include intense details of sexual liaisons that may happen frequently between the main characters and are vital to the plot. These stories are usually very sensual and emotional as a strong relationship develops between the characters.
Take a break this Humpday and check out an erotic romance. If you hear somebody call it "a bodice ripper" tell them to read one... they'll be hooked! Passion is such a wonderful word and so much, much more.
I think we all would like to have this sort of passion in our lives... but we certainly don't want our bodices ripped! We prefer them to be slowly undone with tender kisses and soft caresses.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Mojo - condoms

Things that make you go Hmmm....

Fascinating Fact: Condoms were originally made of animal intestines or linen

Condoms were invented in 3000 B.C. in Egypt. Ancient drawings clearly depict men wearing condoms–sometimes made of material that may have been animal hide. It’s not clear however, whether condoms were used for sex or ceremonial dress.

In Asia before the fifteenth century, some use of glans condoms (devices covering only the head of the penis) is recorded. In China, glans condoms may have been made of oiled silk paper, or of lamb intestines. In Japan, they were made of tortoise shell or animal horn (ouch).

In the 16th century, condoms were often made with linen sheaths soaked in a chemical solution and allowed to dry before use. The cloths were sized to cover the glans of the penis, and were held on with a ribbon.

Replica 18thC style condom and wrapper
Efficiency was partly due to how carefully they were used, and partly a matter of hoping your condom maker had used good quality materials and worked carefully. Evidence suggests many condoms were reused a number of times, so careful washing and drying in between would have been necessary.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lani Rhea

Check out a smexy interview with romance writer Lani Rhea
over on
 Lani is always up for a challenge and enjoys mixing romance with all genres that spark her interests. You can find her either reading or writing. She would love to hear from you, visit her website at To catch up with her crazy blogging visit her at For Your Eyes Only.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy 21st Anniversary

Today is my 21st Wedding Anniversary.

While looking for gift ideas, I found this article written by Carol S. Rothchild.

Personal Touch to Brass or Nickel for a Traditional 21st Anniversary Gift
line art gift
It can be difficult to determine the best 21st anniversary gift idea for a couple celebrating their 21st year of marriage. With a lifetime of shared experiences and adventures, a couple married for 21 years has stood the test of time. Gifts of brass and nickel are the suggested tokens of this milestone. But, though the lists of symbolic and recommended gifts can be convenient, they are only suggestions. The best 21st anniversary gifts, of course, are those that come with a personal touch and heartfelt enthusiasm.

Brass is seen in posh decorating arenas everywhere. From wind chimes to fireplace accessories to furniture, the choices and selections are abundant. If you are looking for a more romantic gift, consider a brass corkscrew given in conjunction with a nice bottle of champagne. Perhaps a brass picture frame holding a photograph taken of the bride and groom at their wedding would be the perfect way to personalize the brass theme. Or a brass-plated photo album, filled with pictures of their adventures throughout the years.

Brass jewelry is a chic and attractive gift for men and women. Brass charms, especially, are a popular choice among brass lovers. Produced in both modern and vintage styles, they are a nice and affordable alternative to gold or silver. Or consider matching brass key-chains or rings for the anniversary couple.

Nickel, too, is a gift suggestion for a 21st anniversary gift. Brushed nickel items are especially popular today. From new drawer pulls to lamps to nickel- plated keepsake boxes, there are many choices.

The traditional wedding Quaich, available in both brass and nickel, is a lovely and unique wedding anniversary gift. The wedding Quaich, historically known as a loving cup, is an ornate cup designed for two. Couples used to share a drink from this cup, thus symbolizing their union and promise to each other. The recipients may choose to celebrate with a drink from their cup, or simply place it on the coffee table to become a conversation piece for years to come. Its rare presentation will be appreciated and admired for a long time.

The gemstone recommended as a gift for the 21st anniversary is the elegant iolite. This sparkling violet stone is also referred to as the water sapphire. It's interesting to note that the Vikings used the iolite as a secret navigation tool. By experimenting with thin slices of this gemstone, the Vikings actually discovered that the iolite possessed polarizing properties. They were then able to determine their exact position in the sea and safely navigate!

Surprisingly, these eye-catching gemstones are not rare and are therefore quite affordable. They are a dramatic contribution to the world of jewelry, as they make a breathtaking statement and very special gift.

The 21st wedding anniversary is a special time for celebrating. Whether you choose to present the couple with a gift containing brass, nickel or the ever-dramatic iolite, they are sure to appreciate your sentiment and support as they move forward to the next adventure-filled year of marriage.
Unfortunately, dearest hubby is out of town due to work.  So I slipped a card and a coupon for a massage into his luggage.  I'm looking forward to redeeming it when he comes home.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tasty Tuesday - Banana Bread

When you are cleaning the kitchen don't throw those brown bananas away!
I found a super easy banana bread recipe.

Heat oven to 350'. Grease 9"x5" loaf pan.
1/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 cups Jiffy or any baking mix
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (2-3 medium)
1/3 cup chopped nuts - optional

Cream shortening and sugar. Combine remaining ingredients and mix until well blended. Pour into prepared pan. Bake about 55 minutes. Cool on a rack before slicing.

While cleaning the kitchen this morning, I found several bananas left over from last weekend's camping trip. Ewe! I don't like throwing food away and this is a great recipe to use. It's simple and my family loves it. For fun I add a little nutmeg and brown sugar on the top before placing it into the oven.

I like to use farm fresh eggs. Visit your local Farmers' Market or watch for signs along country roads. They run about $2 a dozen.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Thirteen - Find Time for Love

In a recent weekly poll, statistics showed that most people believed a typical couple should have sex three times a week if not every day.   How does this compare to you and your significant other?

If you feel you'd like to improve the amount of sensual time you spend with your partner here are a few ideas to help you!

  1. Make it a point to go to bed at least an hour to a half-hour before you normally do.
  2. If you're a morning person, try getting up an hour to half-hour earlier.
  3. On days you have an hour or so lunch or mid-day break, meet each other at home or at a hotel for a fun quickie!
  4. When you or your partner comes home, don't speak to them. Just grab their hand, drag them to the bedroom (or stay where you are) and make love.
  5. Take your showers together.
  6. Order out for dinner and make love before your food arrives.
  7. While your children are taking a nap or engrossed watching a movie, steal your partner away and make love.
  8. Hire a housekeeper to free up "needless" time.
  9. Take a "sick" day from work and spend the day recovering together!  (My personal fav!)
  10. Clean the house together while sipping wine, and then relax.
  11. Go for a drive and park.  Just be careful not to get caught.
  12. Send your kids off to a sports event with an older child, friend or relative.  That will give you at least 2-3 hours alone.
  13. Whenever you're alone together... make love!


Friday, August 24, 2012

Pup Needs Our Help

Please help Rascy have the surgery he needs.

13 yr old Alison rescued Rascy at 8 weeks from the pound. (pronounced rass-key). This 2 yr old lab is the light of her life. I've had the pleasure of knowing this sweet fella. 

His life changed drastically when he was hit by a speeding car. He might lose his left eye and needs surgery on his left leg.

The family has put alot of money into this pups care already and are really not in a financial position to continue. They are currently looking for a vet who could do the surgery at a discount rate or free in Mid-Michigan.

A ChipIn page has been set up if you'd like to donate.