Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Truths about Love in a Kid's Point of view

I love chatting with my three boys and their friends. 
Kids say the cutest things, especially the youngest ones. 
For Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share some of their thoughts on LOVE.

“I think you fall in love why you get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn’t supposed to be so painfull.”

“One person who has freckles finds somebody else who has freckles and they fall in love.”

“Falling in love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life.”

“If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don’t want to do it.  It takes too long.”

“No one is sure why people fall in love.  But I heard it has something to do with how you smell.  That’s why perfume and deodorant are so popular.”

“Beauty is skin deep.  But how rich you are can last a long time.”

“Lovers hold hands.  They want to make sure their rings don’t fall of because they paid good money for them.”

“When people hold hands they are just practicing for when they might have to walk down the aisle someday and do the matchimony thing.”

“I’m in favor of love as long as it doesn’t happen when SpongeBob Squarepants is on TV.”

“Love is foolish…but I still might try it sometime.”

“To make a person fall in love with you, tell them that you own a whole bunch of candy stores.”

“Love with find you, even if you are trying to hide from it.  I’ve been trying to hide from it since I was five, but the girls keep finding me.”

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.”

Happy V-Day to my special guys... I love you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hey, I'm the guest speaker at the Montose Museum tonight. Program is at 7pm with refreshements after. Stop in. Pick up some tips on writing. I'm giving away a CD with three stories on it. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Forbidden Pleasures, Forgiven Desires - Eliot Hastings

Peter was an assertive man, in complete control of his life and work. But in his closest relationships he was a natural submissive, and he had been searching for a dominant partner for as long as he could remember. Dissatisfied with his relationships, he had sought the services of a professional Mistress. Lisa enjoyed her work as a sadistic Dominatrix, exploiting his masochism and they soon became good friends. It seemed as if he had everything he needed, and his search was over. Then he met Suzy and fell in love with her, they were brought together by a quirk of fate. She had her own agenda, but there was something unspoken, something below the surface that drew them together, but would she love him? and if she did, would he be able to live a life denying his need to be dominated...

BUY IT NOW                                         Read an excerpt on 1 Place for Romance

Eliot Hastings lives in Warwickshire, England. He has been writing in technical publications and journals for nearly 20 years. His exciting new series of erotica stories span a period from the early seventies. They are based on the experiences of friends in the scene, and his own experiences when he first started living as a submissive. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tasty Tuesday - Couble Chocolate Cookie Bars

We all have days when we need a little pick-me-up.  Chocolate is a great indulgence for an emotional lift.  This is a delightful treat.... try it on your next blue day.

2c finely crushed Oreos (approx 24 cookies)                   
1/4 c margarine or butter, melted
2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips (12oz)
1 (14oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1tsp vanilla
1 c chooped nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350'.  Combine crumbs and margarine; press firmly on bottom of 13x9 inch baking pan.  In medium saucepan, over medium heat, melt 1 cup chocolate chips with sweetened condensed milk and vanilla.  Pour evenly over prepared crust; top with nuts and remaining chips.  Bake 20 minutes or until set.  Cool.  Chill if desired.  Cut into bars.  Store tightly covered at room temperature.  Makes 24-36 bars.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Seven steps to more sensual sex


sensual sex cover shot Are your bedroom basics becoming boring? Spice up your repertoire and reignite the fires of passion in your relationship with these top tips from The Lovers' Guide

1 Pamper your senses
Sensual loving begins with indulging and lavishing attention on your body. When women feel stressed, tired or run-down, they often lose the desire for sex. Take time to give your body a treat; indulge yourself and awaken your five senses of smell, sound, sight, touch and taste.
Self-pampering gives our senses a kick-start. Book yourself a quiet night in; turn off your mobile, dim the lights and let yourself relax. Try having a long, hot bath with scented candles and sensual oils, whilst playing relaxing and uplifting music. Lie back, close your eyes and concentrate on taking deep breaths. This simple exercise will unlock your potential for relaxed, alert physical pleasure.

2 Enhance masturbation
Both women and men can be a little too goal-oriented when masturbating, focusing on the end point, rather than enjoying the whole journey. Savour the pleasure by prolonging the experience.
Let your hands wander all over your body, touching yourself as you would like a lover to touch you. Seek out your sensitive spots and linger on them; your buttocks and inner thigh can be especially sensitive.

When you are with your partner, masturbate together and show each other how you like to be touched. The more you and your partner can arouse each other all over, not just through the penis or clitoris, the more sensual your lovemaking will become.

3 Indulge in fantasies
Some people worry about their sexual fantasies, but really there's no need. Your fantasies are a healthy expression of your inner life. Don't worry if you wouldn't consider doing them in real life; this isn't 'real life,' so you can let yourself go.

Your fantasies might be romantic scenarios, involve 'kinky' toys, or be just downright depraved! They may involve sex in public, with more than one partner, or might even be forced sex fantasies - expressing an inner, often unconscious desire to break free of any sexual limits or repressions that you may have.

You might also want to share your fantasies with your partner - or play out a few . Even if you don't want to make your fantasies a reality, talking about them with your partner can take you both to a new level of intimacy.

4 Embrace emotional intimacy
Communication is the key to great sex. There might be things we feel we can't say for fear of being hurt, especially if we've had a bad experience or been let down in the past. However, if you can't communicate properly with a partner, you can become distant from one another - and that distance will affect your love-making.

Make sure you're able to ask for an 'emotional hold' when you need - be that a hug or some words of reassurance - and that you're able to offer the same when it's asked of you. Don't be afraid to show your partner your 'bad side' - any weaknesses you have, or ways in which you feel you don't quite match up.
Your sex life with your partner is a reflection of the rest of your relationship. A healthy level of emotional intimacy with each other will come through in the bedroom, and lead to a far more sensual experience for both of you.

5 Walk sexy, talk sexy, think sexy!
There's nothing sexier than confidence, especially when it spills out between the sheets! Even if you're not feeling confident, learn how to fake it!

Pretend that you're a confident woman that oozes sex appeal. It takes 28 days to change a habit, so if you start thinking every day that you are a beautiful woman who oozes sex appeal, in one month's time you will be that person.

People respond to the image portrayed, so if you think and act sexy, you'll find that the people around you will think that too!

Read more: Seven steps to more sensual sex | iVillage UK http://www.ivillage.co.uk/seven-steps-more-sensual-sex/82364#ixzz1gjeiK7YA

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dust off those high heels!

Good news ladies wearing high heels can be good for your sex life!

Experts found that wearing a 3-inch heel strengthened pelvic muscles, also increasing their ability to contract--it's an effortless, on-the-go version of Kegels.

Time to dust off the 5 inch heels! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Flirty Friday

I’m not sure if I’d use any of these as pick up lines or text messages to sexy pal....

 If I have a strong desire, don't say it is a sin. I'm already on fire, and just want to touch your skin. Flirty

In my dreams you're mine, in my life you're a dream.

You're eyes are soft en tender, as sweet as they can be. There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!!

Your daddy must be a terrorist. Because you are DA BOMB!

If love is a crime, lock me up, I'm guilty baby!

I dream those eyes, those lips, that face, that body...Ok, enough about ME! Tell me something about you!

Never make love in the garden or in the fields...... Love might be blind but your neighbors aren't!

I think I should tell you what people are saying behind your back.... Nice Ass!!!!!!! Flirty

Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less ... in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!

Love is a name, Sex is a game. Forget the name and play the game!

Do you know what does position 68 mean? .......You are doing me and I owe you one!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Thirteen - 13 Ways to Feel Sexy

Busy schedules and unsuccessful diets are the primary reasons many of us don’t feel sexy.  Who can feel sexy when they feel tired and frumpy?  Women are beautiful creatures; we just need to remind ourselves of it periodically.  Now put the chocolate away (well, maybe not) for this one and take notes.  

1.       Do your make up and/or hair.  Have you ever noticed how good you feel after a visit to the beauty shop or when you get all dressed up?  You can capture that same feeling by paying a bit of attention to your self for a simply dinner at home.

2.       Visit a spa, take a long bath, or give yourself a facial.  Take a break to enjoy your own skin.  Touch it, caress it… then let your honey touch it and caress it.

3.       Work out.  Go to a gym, join Curves, or just get a couple of girlfriends to walk with daily.  The effort not only makes you healthy (may or may not lose weight), but you’ll notice little things about yourself that make you feel sexy.  Sometimes, just actually working out fires you up.

4.       Wear sexy clothing.  I don’t me movie star red carpet stuff or even hooker style.  A nice tight silk t-shirt that feels good when you wear it.  Or an old worn pair of jeans that really flatter your assets.  Look in your closet, take a close look at your favorites and think about how you feel when you wear them.  If they all make you want to take a nap… go shopping.

5.       Find a material that makes you feel good.  I don’t mean flannel because it makes you cozy; I’m talking about silk or cotton and how it feels against your skin.  When you find yourself feeling sexy in a particular fabric, purchase more items made with it.  Instead of your old blend button down shirts, try an inexpensive machine washable silk blouse.  It will go with everything from jeans to a pair of dress pants.

6.       Wear lingerie that flatters you.  Don’t buy something and wear it because it looks good on the mannequin or honey’s eyes bug out.  Wear it because it feels good and looks good on you. 

7.       Don’t worry about your appearance.  Everyone has flaws; just no one else cares about them as much as you do.  So what that you have a scar from a surgery or a little pouch from having kids.

8.       Plan at least one sensual experience a week for you love.  Planning a sensual escapade can be very arousing.  Add a little teasing in there to build confidence.

9.       Take a shower together.  Hmmm… water, wet, skin, slippery… oh, ah…

10.   Dance seductively with your partner.  Turn on the music just for the two of you.  Have fun and do some dirty dancing.

11.   Try being the dominant one in the next love-making session.  Being in control can be a rush and very sexy.

12.   Accept compliments regarding you looks and abilities.  This can be a simple lesson in building confidence; and confidence is very sexy.

13.   Allow yourself to feel sexy.   Take time to reconnect with yourself.  Try to find things that work for you, that make you feel good about you and sexy… and then do them.

What makes you feel sexy?

Friday, December 30, 2011

13 Sexy New Year Resolutions

So many New Year Resolutions are made and quickly forgotten. Not only are these promises easily forgotten when we are caught up in the hustle of everyday life, but also we can forget about the love in our lives. Try making a few resolutions that won't be forgotten and easily obtainable. Make your relationship with that special someone a priority, put pleasure first on your resolution list.

1. Plan to have more sex. We schedule time to shop, get our hair done, take the kids to soccer... Being spontaneous is not always easy and by some simple plans to be more sexual, you'll actually end up having more sex.

2. Get away from it all. Send the kids away for the weekend or escape for a night alone. Grab a movie, dinner and a romp in a cheap hotel. Use this time to NOT talk about family, friends or work. Focus on each other.

3. Do some redecorating in the bedroom. Our surrounding have a significant impact on how we feel. Turn your bedroom into a sensual room. Add some sexy satins, new pillows, mirrors, incense or candles, artwork to create an environment to bring out your sexual animal.

4. Exercise more. I'm talkin' the horizontal mambo three /four times a week. Not only are calories being burned in a super fun way, but with each orgasmic session your endorphins (the chemical in your brain that makes you happy) will do miracles for your mood and zest for life!

5. Stop the sensory deprivations. Get off the computer, turn off the cell phone, put down the e-reader. It's time to get your hands into life! Cook with your honey and savor every tasty moment. Inhale life's scents and enjoy the fragrance of the world around you whether it be a sensual perfume or the way the air smells after a rain shower. Gaze into your partner's eyes and drown in the lipid pools of desire.

6. Save your money and give each other full body massages. Invest in some scented massage candles and let your inhibitions fly out the window. Pick up some edible massage oil. Don't leave out the happy ending!

7. Eat in bed. Whipped cream, chocolate body paint, honey dust! Decadent and suggestive foods coupled with steamy sex make a rather delicious combination.

8. Make food a sensual part of your life. Forget the chips and go for the juicy, creamy and succulent stuff. Fresh strawberries, ripe peaches, and bananas can be cut into bite sizes. Finger food can be very sensual; take your time eating to experience the textures and flavors. Savoring food can be great practice for savoring sex.

10. Make yourself feel more sexy every day. Go through your panty drawer and buy yourself some new sexier styles. Lose the flannels, the old rugby jersey and stop lounging about with holey socks. Try some sexy silk pajamas or simple lingerie you can wear under your clothes. Treating yourself to sexier underclothes will help you tap into your sexy side. Indulge in a new fragrance that makes your partner hot. Wax, shave, work out... whatever makes you feel good about yourself and sexy.

11. Have an affair - with your partner of course! Here's your chance to have fun with a sexual fantasy. Share your fantasies with each other or create one together then act on them. Dress as a seductive stranger and meet at a secret location, hotel, or bar. Have fun with costumes, they can be just what you need to get started.

12. Get back to the basics. Rediscover the art of kissing. Spend a night simply "making out". Just be careful if you go "parking". Be open and honest with your partner by sharing what really turns you on. Be romantic by leaving notes with hints and sexy suggestions where your honey will find them. Take time to explore each other's bodies to learn likes and dislikes. Be open to pleasure.

13. Be more playful and creative. Try something sexually new. Play with sex toys. Visit a swingers' club. Get a book on sexual positions and try all of them at least once. For a more spiritual sex life, study Kama Sutra. Take a class on strip tease or belly dancing. Pick up a couple sex games and play. Feel free to visit your local adult store, the staff is very discreet and helpful.

One of my favorite shops is Lovers' Lane.   I feel comfortable working with the staff and have enjoyed every purchase!