Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Poem by Mary Quast

Hurricane is on the night

Waves tumble like playful

She glides out of the shadows and

Black velvet gown drapes across the cold

Satin ribbon laces the back of her velvet

The bow is untying,
she doesn't notice.

Skin shines like a pearl against the stormy

Long, black mane cascades across frail

Wind whips her hair, enveloping the features of her

Graceful white fingers attempt to control the wild

With her head dipped,
tears are unseen.

A silver chain adorns her slender, swan-like

The moon peeks for a moment from the dark

Her face lifts to feel the light, showing her mysterious

The moon disappears from sight, taking her
with it.

Happy Humpday

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I was feeling rather pensive today. Several times I found myself pausing in deep thought. A quiet mood involving little thought at times, but emotion toiled within me like a hurricane approaching the beach. My contemplation was peppered with sadness without having complete understanding. As I tried to put my thoughts into some form of order, I fought an endless battle and lost.

Pensive moods usually hit me just before the storm erupts in my head leaving a well plotted story in its wake. This time there is more. A feeling of preparing for a loss, a moment of saying goodbye. Will it be that I'll have a sad ending? Or be forced to say farewell to a favorite character.

I love my characters like children, like lovers, like ... well... as if they are a part of me. Saying goodbye is like waving to a friend who you might every touch again.

I don't like saying goodbye. It makes my heart hurt. I guess I'll continue being pensive until my muse tells me it's time to write.

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
~ Maya Angelou ~

Sunday, March 6, 2011


It's been a long week.
Pamper yourself.
Sleep in.
Spend some quality cuddle time with your honey.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yeah! It's finally Friday!

I'm actually looking forward to doing nothing but curling up with my critters on the couch to watch a movie. A glass (or two of wine) will make the eveing even better. Sometimes it's nice just to relax.

What do you like to do on Friday night?

Thursday 13 - Ideas for Dates in the Beginning

First dates can be incredibly tricky and nerve-wracking. It is therefore very important to establish in your own mind what you expect from the date beforehand. If possible, arrange to meet in a public place that you are familiar with, and do not forget to take your cell-phone, or change for a payphone in case of an emergency.

The important thing to remember is to have fun on your date and do not expect too much. After all, what is a first date other than a fun way to get to know one another, and to explore the possibilities of developing a strong and lasting relationship?

1. Go out for dinner then a movie. Having dinner together lets you get to know them better while watching the movie together provides the perfect atmosphere to just get used to them without having to talk too much.

2. Go out to eat, sit and talk and give a small kiss goodnight.

3. Have a picnic at a lake under the moonlight.

4. Walk along the beach or in a park at night. My honey & I used to enjoy walking in a ritzy area and pick out our dream homes and cars.

5. Have dinner, watch a movie and end the night by playing video games at a local arcade together.

6. Holding hands while walking in the park, getting to know each other.

7. Go out to eat, watch a movie, have a moonlight walk on the beach or through a park ending the evening with the perfect kiss.

8. Go out to dinner then spend time together at a coffee shop getting to know each other.

9. Attend a theater play, museum or art gallery opening followed by coffee.

10. Laying by the fireplace with romantic music and candlelight getting to know each other.

11. Go out dancing together.

12. Visit an amusement park or county fair.

13. Sit on the porch sipping wine, sharing a snack and talking.

Happy Thursday 13!

For another Thursday Thirteen zip over to Romance Writers Behaving Badly.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Release

The newest novella by my friend Dawne Prochilo, Rachel's Desire, was released Feb. 28 through Secret Cravings Publishing. This is a one read to warm you up on a cold night.

What's a woman to do when her sexual needs are ignored? Every woman has needs and sexual desire.

When Rachel Chambers' married lover is selfish and demanding, she turns to her best friend Kari Burton for support, venting...and love. A girl knows what she needs and right now Rachel needs Kari.

A girl's night in turns into a night of explosive passion and realization of frenzied love.

To purchase Rachel's Desire go to the publisher's website here. It will be available soon through B&N and amazon too.

Follow Dawne on her facebook fan page
and on twitter

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Some major events from 1967:
Super Bowl I: Green Bay Packers vs Kansas City Chiefs - scout 35-10

#2 song of the year was "Ruby Tuesday" by the Rolling Stones. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles was the hot album.

Most popular Movie was The Dirty Dozen but In The Heat of the Night won the Academy award. Mike Nichols won for best director of The Graduate.

The Arrangement by Eliz Kazan was the most popular Fiction book.

The Andy Griffith Show followed by the Lucy Show were the most popular television shows.

The Public Broadcasting System was created.

Louis Leakey announces the discovery of Pre-human fossils in Kenya.

Apollo 1 astronauts are killed when fire broke out in the spacecraft during launch pad test.

The first Boeing 737 takes its maiden flight.

Large demonstrations against the Vietnam War in NY and CA.

Elvis and Priscilla get hitched.

The first automatic cash machine is installed in a London bank.

Worst race riots in US history happen in Detroit.

Jim Morrison gets into censorship trouble when he sings the word "higher" in the song "Light My Fire" during a television show.

Jungle Book, the last animated film personally supervised by Disney is released.