Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Some major events from 1967:
Super Bowl I: Green Bay Packers vs Kansas City Chiefs - scout 35-10

#2 song of the year was "Ruby Tuesday" by the Rolling Stones. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles was the hot album.

Most popular Movie was The Dirty Dozen but In The Heat of the Night won the Academy award. Mike Nichols won for best director of The Graduate.

The Arrangement by Eliz Kazan was the most popular Fiction book.

The Andy Griffith Show followed by the Lucy Show were the most popular television shows.

The Public Broadcasting System was created.

Louis Leakey announces the discovery of Pre-human fossils in Kenya.

Apollo 1 astronauts are killed when fire broke out in the spacecraft during launch pad test.

The first Boeing 737 takes its maiden flight.

Large demonstrations against the Vietnam War in NY and CA.

Elvis and Priscilla get hitched.

The first automatic cash machine is installed in a London bank.

Worst race riots in US history happen in Detroit.

Jim Morrison gets into censorship trouble when he sings the word "higher" in the song "Light My Fire" during a television show.

Jungle Book, the last animated film personally supervised by Disney is released.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Firty Friday - the mouth

The mouth is perhaps the sexiest part of the body. It is always visible but constantly changing. Please enjoy these quotes I found for this week's Flirty Friday.
'Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.' - Anonymous

'Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.' - Chinese Proverb

'Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.' -Rene Yasenek

'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein

'To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first.' - Janeane Garofalo
'Stolen kisses are always sweetest.' - Leigh Hunt

'In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek.' - French Proverb

I hope your day is as radiant as your smile.

I get the best feeling in the world when you say "Hi" or smile at me, because I know that even for a second that I've crossed your mind.

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tempting Tuesday - The Arrangement

Lynn stood in the shower and let the water hit her face and mix with the tears that fell. She was so ashamed of her behavior with Erick. She had become intoxicated with the excitement and the attention he showed her, she took the chance and told him that she wanted him. His rejection was devastating in the sense that she had now complicated their friendship.

She turned off the water, toweled off and applied a soft fragrant lotion over her body. Deep inside she stowed a secret fantasy of Erick sneaking into the studio as Andrew had done. She was envious of the intense passion her friends had for each other.

Removing the towel from her head, she ran a comb through her wet hair. If she just talked to Erick, god willing, he’d forgive her foolish actions. Perhaps he might put it off as a bad joke. Perhaps if she left for Wales the next day she could put the incident behind her.

Lynn sighed; she just wanted to go to bed. She wrapped a robe around her, opened the door and heard the stereo playing. She hadn’t touched the stereo when she got in. Looking around, she saw the lit candles and a dark figure sitting in a chair. Her eyes widened, her heart raced, she held her breath for a moment, waiting.

“Did you use up all the hot water?”


He sounded much like himself and not like the person she saw at The Skunk’s Den. Her anxiety diminished when she saw him lean forward in the chair. The candlelight softened his features, his hair fell into his eyes but he looked tired.

She moved closer to him.

“What are you doing here?”

“I don’t know,” he rubbed his head. “I’ve been walking around thinking about what you said, what I said and…” he paused. “I’m sorry for being angry with you. I guess I put you on a pedestal just like you once told me not to do.”

“What?” Lynn was confused.

“I never thought you’d be one to use people; you’re different. Tonight I thought you were doing to me what women always do to me and I couldn’t bear putting you in the same category with them.”

“I’m sorry, Erick, for propositioning you like that. I put you on the spot and I hope I haven’t compromised our friendship.”

“I don’t think our friendship has suffered. We’re talking, aren’t we?” He stood up. “I just want to know if your proposition still stands.”

Lynn wasn’t sure how to answer him. She watched him saunter towards her. He still wore his leathers and looked incredibly sexy. His body swayed in tune to the music with every step he took. She wanted to experience what she knew he was capable of giving. She looked into his eyes; they were black like the devil’s.

“Well, Lynn, does it?”

“Yes.” She could barely say the word.

“The way I look at it,” he stood in front of her and stroked her arm, “if you want to experience sexual freedom, who better to show you than me. Right? If we’re careful we can enjoy this and not hurt our friendship.”

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Release from a fellow Diva

SWEET AS SIN by Inez Kelley

She was made for sin. Sin was something he knew intimately.

John Murphy is tormented by nightmares. A bestselling young-adult author, he writes the ultimate fantasy: stories where good always triumphs. He knows better. His past has shown him the worst in people—and in himself. When he moves next door to the sexy, vibrant Livvy—a woman completely unlike his usual one-night stands—he’s driven to explore every curve of her delicious body.

Pastry chef Livvy knows that giving in to the temptation that is John Murphy won’t lead to anything permanent, but she deserves a passionate summer fling. John discovers she’s as sweet as the confections she bakes while Livvy slowly unravels his secrets. But what will happen when she uncovers them all?

Carina Press or Amazon or All Romance ebooks

"The story is hyper intense, hyper complex, its what romance, new romance is supposed to be. Its NEW its fresh, it expands, its so beyond new, its freaking shiny. In the package wonderful. I loved it, I loved it I loved it. " -Romance Book Forums

Monday, February 21, 2011

Excerpt Monday - Tormented Soul

Erick McAlister is known as London’s Most Dangerous Bachelor; he enjoys scotch,
women, and spending time in the London underground club, The Skunk’s Den. He’s never had a real relationship; women only want him for one thing- he desires more.

When the one he vowed he would never toy with, Lynn Westmore, gives him an unexpected
proposition, his life takes an enjoyable turn. Just as he is beginning to find happiness, tabloids headline him, a woman from his past announces she’s expecting his child, someone is trying to kill him, and he finds himself questioning his relationship with the young courier he’s hired to teach him to ride his new motorcycle. Even though his life is in torment, he begins to believe in love, something he never thought he’d feel.

Unfortunately, Lynn doesn’t think Erick could ever be faithful to one woman, let alone be in love with her, so when she finds herself in love with him she runs. Erick falls into a spiral of depression, and it takes his brother and closest friends to bring him to his senses. When he finds out a magazine has rated him as the World’s Most Dangerous Bachelor, he agrees to do the interview only if Lynn is the photographer and he uses the opportunity to let Lynn know how he feels; he offers his heart to her one more time...

In this scene, Lynn and Elizabeth (Erick's sister) are having a "girl talk".

“I’ve wondered what it would be like to be loved by him. But he doesn’t
know a thing about love. As experienced as he is in sex, I’m afraid he may be lost
when it comes to the compromises, the give and take involved in relationships.
He’s been alone for so long I think he has become set in his ways. I doubt he could
remain faithful to one woman. He even says that he always gets what he wants,
and when he tires of a woman he walks away. I’m not sure if he knows about

“Sacrifice?” Elizabeth’s voice cracked. “What kind of sacrifice do you think
he made to help Andrew? Take one look at his relationship with his best friend.
That should tell you if he’s capable of being more than what his reputation states.
There’s a very lonely Erick crying for help in that arrogant body of his. Can’t you
see it?”

Lynn looked at her friend and saw tears in her eyes. Elizabeth loved her
brothers and had formed a special bond with Erick after her arrival in England. It
appeared Erick was even more complex than she thought.

“Elizabeth, I could easily fall in love with him.” Lynn couldn’t believe the
words came out of her mouth so easily.

“So why don’t you?”

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sensual Sunday - excerpt

This is an excerpt from Painted Soul. Lynn was spending time at Hampton House with Elizabeth. Whenever Lynn visited, she slept in the room next to her friend, which also happen to belong to Elizabeth's sexy brother Erick.

The lead to this scene: Erick and friends arrive at Hampton House in the middle of the night. He was too drunk to notice there was somebody sleeping in his bed. When morning broke through the darkness of the night...

Lynn stirred slightly as she woke. Still somewhat in a dream state she felt warm arms around her. Slowly she crept back to sleep until the arms tightened around her.

“Wha’?” she sat up abruptly.

Erick groaned as his sleep was disturbed. His head was pounding. He opened his eyes to see Lynn sitting in his bed. She gripped the sheet to her chest. Her eyes were as big as saucers, a pillow crease on her cheek, her hair flying in several directions. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

“What are you doing in my bed?” Lynn stared at him.

“Your bed?” He casually propped himself on his elbow, catching the sheet as it slid to his waist, “Look a little closer at your surroundings, this is my room.”

He watched Lynn look at the soccer trophies, and other pieces of his memorabilia scattered about the room.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were coming. Elizabeth lets me sleep in this room when we are here alone because it’s closer to hers. I know she would’ve told me if she were expecting you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“You don’t need to explain. It’s ok. Actually, it’s kind of nice to think you enjoy sleeping in my room,” he flashed a wicked grin at her. “I’m sorry I stumbled in last night and scared you this morning. I certainly wasn’t in any condition to notice someone sleeping in my bed when I came in.”

Erick’s voice wavered when Lynn gave him a nervous smile. He struggled to remain collected.

“I wish I could be the gentleman here, but I’m afraid I can’t remove myself from this bed in your presence.”

“Why?” Lynn looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

“Other than enjoying the position I’m in,” he let the sheet fall to expose a naked hip, “I don’t make a habit of exposing myself to my sister’s friends.”

Erick gave a low chuckle at Lynn’s gasp.

“Don’t worry I won’t eat you for breakfast. I won’t touch you, unless you want me to,” he looked at her under lowered lashes as he lay back upon the pillow. For a fleeting moment he thought he saw contemplation in Lynn’s expression.

“Come now, we’re old friends, are we not? After years of not seeing you, I never expected to find you in my bed.” He coaxed a smile from her and saw her shoulders relax. “When I was a kid, Elizabeth and I used to lie here together and play a game called Secrets. We would take turns sharing secrets. How about we play, I tell you a couple of secrets.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Let’s see,” he rubbed his head, “until now, no woman to the best of my knowledge has ever slept in this bed.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Lynn snorted.

“Really, I’ve never brought anyone here. I always considered it disrespectful.”

“Okay. So now I’m the only one who’s slept in this bed.”

“Right,” Erick couldn’t help but flash a smile, “now for secret number two.”

“Oh, I’m on pins and needles.”

“This is the first time I’ve woke in the morning with a woman in my bed. I usually make a point to not spend an entire night with a woman.”

“I’m probably the first woman you’ve had in your bed that you haven’t seduced.”


“So that makes three secrets. I feel honored with your openness, sir,” Lynn mocked. “Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me.”

After a shared laugh, Erick touched her hand and felt a shock.

“Humor me Lynn, stay with me a little longer. I have to admit, it felt rather nice.” After a pause when Lynn withdrew her hand from his touch, he added, “I’ll behave. I’m too hung over to do anything except sleep more.”

She relaxed and laid her head upon his chest. He gently wrapped his arms around her. He desperately wanted to throw the beautiful woman in his grasp on her back and ravish her. But she was too good for him, she would never love a man with his reputation. He prayed she wouldn’t notice his rod and run away. Lynn felt so right in his arms, he wanted the morning to last forever.

“This is nice,” he said softly.

Feeling daring, Lynn caressed the smooth skin on his broad pectorals. She soon stopped when she heard a low groan escape from Erick’s lips. She melted as his arms tightened around her until her whole body was against his. She found herself wondering what it would be like make love to Erick.

Sadly, she thought, ‘he only sees women as toys, and I can’t compare to the beautiful women in his circle.’

“I can’t believe how long it’s been, I hope you can stay in England for a while.”

“I haven’t made any plans for a return trip yet,” Lynn inhaled Erick’s masculine scent. “I’m taking some time off after finishing a big assignment. But I did bring my cameras, just in case I find some inspiration. And I must admit I’ve needed some lately.”

“Maybe I could help.”

Lynn’s heart skipped a beat.

“There’s a place in the gardens I’ve enjoyed since I was a boy. I used to go there to escape and think about life and stuff. It’s a very beautiful spot. Maybe you’ll find it inspiring.”

“I’d like that,” Lynn was still in shock about being alone with this notorious lover, in his arms, in his bed. She had heard the rumors and saw the tabloid articles about him. He was touted as one of the world’s most dangerous bachelors. It had been said that he could seduce a woman with a whisper and take her to the highest peaks of ecstasy in the most unusual of places.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard, Michael and I are taking over McAlister Enterprises,” Erick was obviously trying to make small talk. “Believe it or not, I’m thinking of giving up the flat and looking for one in Kensington or even buying a house. You know, something a little more respectable. If you stay long enough maybe you could help me find a nice place. I mean, since Elizabeth will probably be too busy.”

“Wow! I can’t believe it, Erick McAlister wanting to be respectable.” Lynn remembered what Elizabeth said about Erick wanting to settle down, “next you’ll want a dog, a wife and kids!”

“Ah, my reputation precedes me,” he sighed. “To be honest, Lynn, I am trying to end my tom cat ways. If I wasn’t truly trying, you would be screaming in passion right now.”

Erick felt her tremble. Did the image he just put into her mind repulse her?

“Do you want to get breakfast now?” he tried to change the subject.

“No, not yet,” he was surprised by her curt response. Then after a pause she added, “I would feel honored to look at houses with you Erick. I’m pleased to see you are looking towards the future.”

“I guess I’m just trying to be responsible,” he chuckled.

“You have a nice laugh.”

“Thanks,” his heart melted with her voice as he felt her snuggle against him. He was overwhelmed with how right she felt in his arms. His skin tingled as she carefully draped her leg over his.

“Thank you for letting me hold you like this,” he spoke cautiously, “I haven’t cuddled like this since that old brown bear up there on the bookshelf was my cuddling partner.”

“Well, I’m happy to oblige,” Lynn closed her eyes and placed a hand on his belly, “I must admit I’m not used to feeling arms like yours around me. You’re strong enough to break me in half, but it feels nice at the same time.”

“You haven’t told me a secret yet in our game.”

“A secret? I don’t know what to say.”

“Are you afraid of me, Lynn?”

“No, well…. Honestly, part of me is, always has been.”

“Don’t be, I’ve already promised I won’t ravish you.” His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to remain under control.

“I’ve never been ravished.”

“Okay, there are two secrets, we’ll call it even. Now let’s talk of something else,” Erick grunted, “before my body hears any of this talk and starts a mutiny with my mind. My sister would have my hide if I… well, you know. You are a beautiful woman and a good friend. I don’t want to mess anything up, even though I’m tempted. Oh, no, I’ve said too much!”

“I’m glad you think so highly of me,” Lynn said, patting him. “But don’t put me on a pedestal, the fall is always hard.”

“Sounds like the voice of experience talking,” Erick put a hand on her shoulder.

“When I met Tad I thought we were soul mates. We were both photographers and our personalities were so similar. He was like the male version of me. We were best friends and put each other on pedestals built with high expectations that niether of us could ever fulfill.”

“What really happened, Lynn? I understand he still works for your dad and you’re still friends. Usually, after a broken engagement the parties don’t speak.”

“We were good at being friends and lousy at being anything more. We found out we had too many similar interests, including other men. When I found out he preferred men over me, I was hurt at first but more relieved. I started to feel like I was engaged to my brother!”

“So he was gay, huh?”

“Yeah, kinda sucks doesn’t it?”

“Well,” Erick chuckled at Lynn’s forward but honest attitude, “look at it this way, you may have lost a boyfriend but you gained a girlfriend!”

I'm giving away two special items this month.
A signed copy of Tormented Soul and a gift from my favorite store, Lover's Lane.

All you have to do is leave a comment on any post until midnight the 14th, the holiday for love... Valentine's Day.

Names will be placed into a drawing and the winner will be picked and announced on February 15.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sensual Saturday

Nothing is more sensual and relaxing than spending a lazy Saturday in the tub with your honey. Let's take a peak and see how Lynn and Erick are faring at a Bed & Breakfast in Wales.

Part of her felt Erick was just using her, another part didn’t care. She
craved his touch; it burned her, as well. He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, her lips
with such sensuality she didn’t realize he could be so tender. Within a few
moments they were naked. Erick took her hand and led her to the tub.

“We’re not going to both fit in there!”

“It’s very deep; you may be surprised,” his voice murmured.

For a moment, she wondered if he had bathed in such a tub before. She
watched as he stepped in and sank into the depths of the steaming water. His head disappeared under the water, then he sat up, running his fingers through his wet
bangs. Helping her in, he turned her so her back was against him. Instantly she
felt his hardness against her. He moved her legs around his.

“Lean against my chest,” he directed her as he unpinned her tangled hair and
shook it loose.

She found a large sea foam sponge, lathered it and washed his arms and legs.
He took the sponge from her grasp and washed her. He rinsed it then squeezed the
water onto her skin.

“Put your head back.”

She did and felt him squeeze water from the sponge to wet her hair down.
Her eyes closed as he ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her neck and
sucked the water droplets off her skin as he moved her position.

“Now relax.”