Showing posts with label Feeling sexy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeling sexy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ripped Roaring Halloween Hop

Welcome to the Halloween blog hop.
 If you need to find the beginning so you can get on the tour bus, head over to

By taking the tour you are entered to win several awesome prizes. The Grand Prize is a Kindle with several download on it, including Handcuffs & Silk.
However, if you comment on this post you will also be entered to win a free download of my book Handcuffs & Silk.

Okay.... time for a little Halloween Fun!
Top 10: Halloween Sex Positions

This article was originally written from a man's point of view and is intended for entertainment purposes only; its content should not be taken as practical advice.

The time has come to breathe new life into Halloween -- to replace the confectionary-fueled fun you enjoyed as a kid with the pheromone-laced action you want as an adult. After all, you probably won’t be spending All Hallows' Eve donning masks and egging cars outside the house, so shouldn't you at least be releasing your inner demons inside the bedroom? This is something that is easily done with the help from some evil Halloween sex positions. So, while we’ll happily leave the Kama Sutra to hippies, yoga nerds and people who treat scented candles as a lifestyle, those of us more partial to dancing with devils in the pale moonlight will be generating shrieks and moans this year courtesy of the following Halloween sex positions.

No.1 Witch's Brew
Wart of mute child, eye of albino newt… unless you’re Prince or Charlie Sheen, this stuff probably doesn’t turn you on. But here for Halloween is the first-ever sexy witch's brew. Though swingers would probably have an easier time accomplishing this one, a drunk girlfriend and the girl she kissed in college should suffice. The key to this position is all in the setup (and the alcohol): Fill a hot tub with brown food coloring, novelty eyeballs, Gothic candles, and two revved-up bisexual females. The bonus in this one is the post-witch's brew shower, in which you’ll either get to clean your partners or sit back and watch evil take its course.

No.2 Pumpkin Head
Jack-o’-lanterns are supposed to act as guides for lost spirits in the night. But in our twisted minds, they act as beacons for downright nasty things. While your girl is painting her face with orange and black makeup, you’ll cut a hole in a box to act as the table. Your girl will kneel down with her pumpkin-looking head poking out of the hole. You’ll stand in front of her, aim for the gaping black grin and put a candle of a different kind into the mouth of this jack-o’-lantern.

No.3 Monster Mash
Only a blindfolded eunuch could watch Godzilla movies and not get riled up by the overwhelming sexual tension between Mothra and the radioactive lizard. That’s why we’re suggesting you and your partner try out the “Monster Mash” this Halloween. The premise is simple, but potentially expensive, depending on the cost of the outfit you’re willing to invest in. Go down the costume shop, pick out costumes for you and your partner, then cut out sections around the genitals in each costume; unless you’re Paris Hilton, we assume you possess the mental powers to deduce the nasty act that should follow.

No.4 Night Of The F*cking Dead
Squirming, convulsing and moaning isn’t something that only happens at Jack in the Box -- case in point: “Night of the F*cking Dead.” In this ingenious brain-dead Halloween sex position, partners start off in a standard missionary position, but once the male has comfortably entered the female, that’s when things really get dumb -- er, fun. Specifically, neither partner is allowed to use their arms or legs to support themselves during intercourse, leaving both sex-starved individuals to be grunting, struggling and shaking in order to get off.

No.5 Sleepy Bat
Courtesy of the public education system and some unpleasant personal experiences, we are extremely aware that it is unwise to put unprotected genitals anywhere near a sleeping bat -- that is, unless, your partner has assumed the role of a blind, flying carnivore for the evening. In this Halloween sex position, your partner will require a stable pull-up bar or shower pole on which to hang upside down. Once she is comfortably locked in, position your mouths at each others' genitals and engage in 69-ing until the sunlight comes up (or the blood rushing to her head causes your partner to pass out).

No.6 Bobbing For Boobies
This sex position is pretty self-explanatory: Fill up a bathtub with two or more breasts, stick your hands behind your back, and bob your head in until you catch yourself an endorphin rush

No.7 The Scarecrow
Aside from Michael Hutchence, a little bondage never (seriously) hurt anyone, and this sex position is no different. One partner is strapped to a cross-brace and must act as if they have no skeletal system; the other partner gets to enjoy the benefits of having someone strapped to a cross-brace in front of them. That involves groping, teasing, prodding, and just about anything else you want, just as soon as you get those cumbersome overalls unhooked. Best of all, when you are done, there’s all that straw to help clean up.

No.8 Tail In The Crypt
Let’s face it: The first thing that comes to mind when you project sexual deviancy on a high-pitched decomposing corpse is Michael Jackson; but don’t worry, our carnal take on the famous Tales from the Crypt TV series is much more legal. In this Halloween sex position, you and your partner make your way under your bed (the “crypt”) and engage in anal sex (the “tail”) -- we leave it up to you (the “crypt keeper”) to decided whether or not you’d like to annoyingly stimulate your partner with scratches to her back.

No.9 Grave Robber
The key to this Halloween sex position is finding a successful mix between the sexual thrill of robbery and the somewhat unappealing odor of putrid human innards. The way it works is that you wait for your girlfriend to fall asleep, then you ransack your laundry hamper and surround her with dirty, dank clothes to mimic the atmosphere of a grave. Once you’ve buried your corpse -- er, partner -- you give her the unexpected thrill of luring her back into consciousness with oral sex.

No.10 Ghost Rider
Before you start writing us letters about this one, we want to make it clear that we’re not suggesting you set your partner’s head on fire while she’s faced the other way in doggy style -- that would fall under a "Mike Tyson Sex Positions." No, the Ghost Rider is much more humane, though slightly tougher on the eyes. The way it works is that when the female is riding the male, the man puts a white sheet over her head -- all while resisting the overwhelming urge to cue up the Ghostbusters theme on his stereo.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Fire Up For February - Tormented Soul Celebration Give Away

Tormented Soul is the second book in the Soul Series.
Tormented Soul was released in February, the second month of the year.
Tormented Soul was released two years ago.

To celebrate, I'm giving away two special items this month.

A signed copy of Tormented Soul

and a gift from my favorite store, Lover's Lane.

All you have to do is leave a comment on any post from Feb.1st until midnight the 14th the holiday for love... Valentine's Day.

Names will be placed into a drawing and the winner will be picked and announced on February 15.

Get excited and celebrate with me!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Hotties and Mistletoe

Welcome to another stop on the RWBB Holiday Hoties Tour. It’s a mini tour with prizes and fun. Follow the links below. I hope you started at Romance Writers Behaving Badly blog and just left The Rantings & Ravings of Jeanne St. James
"The mistletoe is hung up near a doorway or in the kitchen and young men have the privilege of kissing girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked the privilege ceases."
The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is one of my favorites and I believe a lot of kissing under the mistletoe has been going on for ages. In today's tradition the part about plucking the berries (which, incidentally, are poisonous), and then all kissing under the mistletoe ends when the berries run out!
Sometimes the kissing hottie comes along with a gift.

As a little girl, my mother told me how a young lady standing under a ball of mistletoe, brightly trimmed with evergreens, ribbons, and ornaments, cannot refuse to be kissed. Such a kiss could mean deep romance or lasting friendship and goodwill. If the girl remained unkissed, she cannot expect not to marry the following year.

I found references of "kissing under the mistletoe" in Celtic rituals and Norse mythology. In Gaul, the land of the Celts, for instance, the Druids considered it a sacred plant. It was believed to have medicinal qualities and mysterious supernatural powers. (Hmm... I wonder what kind of "power" I would have if I wear a piece of mistletoe on my coat. After all... I am Scandinavian.)

The Norse myth of Baldur. Baldur's death and resurrection is one of the most fascinating Norse myths and stands at the beginning of the history of mistletoe as a "kissing" plant.

Baldur's mother was the Norse goddess, Frigga. When Baldur was born, Frigga made each and every plant, animal and inanimate object promise not to harm Baldur. But Frigga overlooked the mistletoe plant -- and the mischievous god of the Norse myths, Loki, took advantage of this oversight.

Ever the prankster, Loki tricked one of the other gods into killing Baldur with a spear fashioned from mistletoe. The demise of Baldur, a vegetation deity in the Norse myths, brought winter into the world, although the gods did eventually restore Baldur to life. After which Frigga pronounced the mistletoe sacred, ordering that from now on it should bring love rather than death into the world.
Happily complying with Frigga's wishes, any two people passing under the plant from now on would celebrate Baldur's resurrection by kissing under the mistletoe.

I have my mistletoe hanging. Do you?

I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. Don't forget, you need to leave a comment on EVERY blog for a chance to win. The next stop on the tour is my good friend,Gem Sivad's Gem's Place. Here is a list of our participants:

1. Jeanne St James-
2. Mary Quast- you are here
3. Gem Sivad-
4. Christa Paige-
5. Savanna Kougar-
6. Dawne Prochilo-

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday Thirteen - 13 Ways to Feel Sexy

It's a busy week so I've chosen to rerun an old favorite. Enjoy!

Busy schedules and unsuccessful diets are the primary reasons many of us don’t feel sexy. Who can feel sexy when they feel tired and frumpy? Women are beautiful creatures; we just need to remind ourselves of it periodically. Now put the chocolate away (well, maybe not) for this one and take notes.

1. Do your make up and/or hair. Have you ever noticed how good you feel after a visit to the beauty shop or when you get all dressed up? You can capture that same feeling by paying a bit of attention to your self for a simply dinner at home.

2. Visit a spa, take a long bath, or give yourself a facial. Take a break to enjoy your own skin. Touch it, caress it… then let your honey touch it and caress it.

3. Work out. Go to a gym, join Curves, or just get a couple of girlfriends to walk with daily. The effort not only makes you healthy (may or may not lose weight), but you’ll notice little things about yourself that make you feel sexy. Sometimes, just actually working out fires you up.

4. Wear sexy clothing. I don’t me movie star red carpet stuff or even hooker style. A nice tight silk t-shirt that feels good when you wear it. Or an old worn pair of jeans that really flatter your assets. Look in your closet, take a close look at your favorites and think about how you feel when you wear them. If they all make you want to take a nap… go shopping.

5. Find a material that makes you feel good. I don’t mean flannel because it makes you cozy; I’m talking about silk or cotton and how it feels against your skin. When you find yourself feeling sexy in a particular fabric, purchase more items made with it. Instead of your old blend button down shirts, try an inexpensive machine washable silk blouse. It will go with everything from jeans to a pair of dress pants.

6. Wear lingerie that flatters you. Don’t buy something and wear it because it looks good on the mannequin or honey’s eyes bug out. Wear it because it feels good and looks good on you.

7. Don’t worry about your appearance. Everyone has flaws; just no one else cares about them as much as you do. So what that you have a scar from a surgery or a little pouch from having kids.

8. Plan at least one sensual experience a week for you love. Planning a sensual escapade can be very arousing. Add a little teasing in there to build confidence.

9. Take a shower together. Hmmm… water, wet, skin, slippery… oh, ah…

10. Dance seductively with your partner. Turn on the music just for the two of you. Have fun and do some dirty dancing.

11. Try being the dominant one in the next love-making session. Being in control can be a rush and very sexy.

12. Accept compliments regarding you looks and abilities. This can be a simple lesson in building confidence; and confidence is very sexy.

13. Allow yourself to feel sexy. Take time to reconnect with yourself. Try to find things that work for you, that make you feel good about you and sexy… and then do them.

What makes you feel sexy?