Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday - Cleaning Day, Goin' Green

So what does cleaning have to do with romance?

Nothing. But on Mondays, I take a break from writing my latest and greatest romance novel and return to the "normal" world of being a stay at home mom. I guess you could say I wear a different hat today... more like a ponytail instead.

Today is laundry catch up day. The weekend wasn't too busy and I've managed to maintain a steady flow of clean socks and underwear for the boys. But I began to think about living green... I try to eat a healthy organic diet for my body... but what can I do for my planet?

The boys have started recycling. This means Mom has to remember to save the tin cans, take labels off, rinse and place then into the recycle bin. I'm not sure what the boys are doing yet... perhaps they'll take the bin to the curb for me tomorrow.

Anyways, I was looking into "Green" laundry detergents. Yikes! Did you know that many detergents are toxic...cancer causing agents? But there are many other detergents that are safe for us and the environment.

For years I used detergents from Amway. Those were nice. But now I have one of those High Efficiency washers, so I can't put just anything into it and haven't found the perfect detergent yet. However, I did find some nice and "friendly" ones for other washers.

All Free and Clear, Ivory Snow, Cheer Free and of course Liquid Woolite. But if you want to really "go green" then check with your local health food store or go online.
I found some nice products from these companies:
Abundant Earth
Cal Ben Soap Company
Gaiam, Inc.
Kokpelli's Green Market
Real Goods
Sun and Earth
Seventh Generation

It's important to be kind to your body and the Earth even when washing clothes. Look for petroleum-free laundry products. Explore the shelves of your local grocery store and health food shop, get some free catalogs and visit Web sites.

Here is my favorite on-line magazine... check it out for some healthy living tips.

Think green and stay clean!

And while I'm on my expedition to find the perfect detergent, I'll just recycle the plastic bottles and cardboard boxes my HE stuff comes in and keep writing romance to escape it all.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Humpday Help - A Super Easy Meal

Being a busy mom of three boys it's hard to find quick meals they will actually eat. Here's one they love!

Stovetop Ziti
1 lb ziti pasta
1 12-oz bag broccoli florets

1 26oz jar marinara sauce
1 c ricotta cheese
4 c shredded or diced mozzarella cheese
1/3 c chopped fresh parsley (I keep some in the freezer)
1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese

1. Cook pasta in a large pot according to directions on the package. Add the broccoli 4 minutes before pasta is done.
2. Mix marinara sauce and about 1/2 the ricotta in a large saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat.
3. Drain pasta and broccoli; return to pot. Add sauce mixture; toss to mix and coat. Immediately add mozzarella and 1/2 the parsley and Parmesan. Stir until mozzarella melts.
4. Transfer to serving bowl; sprinkle with remaining parsley and Parmesan. Top with dollops of remaining ricotta.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cleaning Day - Get Ready for Unexpected Company

Tis the season for friends to drop in. No need to call in the pro's and don't feel that you have to clean your house on a daily basis. Here's a few simply tips to "fool" people.

Invest in the following items: Foaming bathroom cleaner, scented (lavender or lemon) floor cleaner (check your local dollar store), scented (lemon or orange) wood cleaner such as Pledge.

In the bathroom closest to where guest would be, daily spray the foaming bathroom cleaner into the sink and toilet. Wipe the sink dry and wipe the edge of the toilet bowl. Do not flush... let the remaining foam remain.

Using the scented Pledge dust the tables in the room where guest would be. Once a week is fine... but if you know of some coming and you want that just cleaned smell... Pledge the largest table in the room.

Pour a little scented cleaner with warm water in a spray bottle. With a soft damp cloth wipe TV screen, lamps and door knobs. Scented Windex can do the trick too, and this is a job you can give to a child!

A good scented candle such as from Yankee Candle Company is an added plus to any room to created a welcoming fragrance.

This little routine should not take more than 20 minutes. Don't dally... just make it smell clean!

Happy Holidays!