Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Take Time For Romance

"Being over-scheduled is the biggest killer of romance, because when we're tired and frazzled we have nothing left for each other." - D.P. Washington

Can couples find the time and energy for romance 
and still cope with commitments,s tress, and even fatigue?  

Establish priorities and set goals by making better use of the time they have by creating time they thought they didn't have.

*Make a lunch date together

*Take a shower or bath together

*Make time for pillow talk

* Set aside one night a week - no interruptions, no appointments

*Plan your weekends in advance - put them on your calendar in ink

*Take control of your time - unplug the electronics

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Tribute

Last week Mom and I went to the cemetaries to make sure flags were on the local graves of the vets in our family. My heart always thanks them for their service. My ancester who fought in the Revolutionary War is buried in Connecticut. Grt. Grt Gramp who fought in the Cilvil War is buried in Grand Rapids, MI.  Many Grt Uncles and my Grandfathers served in the Army and Navy during WWI. My dad was in USMC - South Pacific for WWII then served state-side as tough as nails Drill Sgt during Korea. Uncle and Father-In-Law were in the Army during Korea, "the Coldwar", then peacetime. Several cousins served in the Army and USMC while my big bro was on a nuclear sub during Vietnam. Only three of these fine men are still alive today.

Dad, somewhere in the South Pacific. WWII
I miss him.
Big Brother on "The Georgefish". Vietnam.
Still my rock.

Take a moment to remember those who are serving, have served. Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and never came home. (Dad said those were the real heroes.) 

Many classmates from Arthur Hill High School and Alma College went into the service. I wish I could mention them all. 

It takes a special person willing to put his/her life on the line for a country. Personal sacrifices were made by all - the simple comforts we take for granted, family, friends and in some cases pieces of their minds, bodies and souls. Thank you my friends for your courage and your honor. 

Please find a way to hep support vets today. They gave so much for us, many of them need us now.

Speical thanks to Whiskey Rick for his service 
and answering countless questions while I develope my characters for the Legend of the Spirit Series.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Humpday Hottie & Dishwashing 101

Seeing a man on his own accord washing dishes is HOT.

1.      Dishes wash easily if you keep them under the water while scrubbing them. Particles lift away. Bring the dish out of the water to check for missed spots. 
2.      Stacking a few dishes in the sink at a time allows dishes a few minutes of soaking time while you work on washing another dish. 
3.      Try drying pots and pans with a paper towel to reduce residue from the pan staining the dishcloth.
4.      Don't allow aluminum to soak while dishwashing. Doing so can darken the finish. 
5.      Dish washing silverware can be tricky. Use a lint free cloth for drying silverware.

 Wanted a man who empties the dishwasher. And if you want to really sweep me off my feet load it too. Then baby I’m all yours. The sight of you with those plates in your hand has me tingling from head to toe. Oh I’m all yours darlin’ and I ain’t ever gonna let you go.”

What do you think ladies….
does a man who will do the dishes start your engine?