Showing posts with label Humpday Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humpday Help. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Humpday Hottie & Dishwashing 101

Seeing a man on his own accord washing dishes is HOT.

1.      Dishes wash easily if you keep them under the water while scrubbing them. Particles lift away. Bring the dish out of the water to check for missed spots. 
2.      Stacking a few dishes in the sink at a time allows dishes a few minutes of soaking time while you work on washing another dish. 
3.      Try drying pots and pans with a paper towel to reduce residue from the pan staining the dishcloth.
4.      Don't allow aluminum to soak while dishwashing. Doing so can darken the finish. 
5.      Dish washing silverware can be tricky. Use a lint free cloth for drying silverware.

 Wanted a man who empties the dishwasher. And if you want to really sweep me off my feet load it too. Then baby I’m all yours. The sight of you with those plates in your hand has me tingling from head to toe. Oh I’m all yours darlin’ and I ain’t ever gonna let you go.”

What do you think ladies….
does a man who will do the dishes start your engine?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Humpday Hottie

Somebody once said that you are never truly DONE WITH LAUNDRY unless you are naked.
After all....
you still have to wash the clothes your are wearing.

He can do laundry at my house any time!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Humpday Hottie - Kitchen Help

The day before Thanksgiving
can be a very busy day in the kitchen.
Theo has offered his assistance
with this year's holiday preparation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Humpday Hottie - Woodcutter

It's autumn here in Michigan and we've been busy chopping wood for the fireplace.
Nothing is better than snuggling near the fire on a wintery night. 
except watching these lumberjacks in action.

Oh-oh... now I have a song stuck in my head.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Humpday Helpful Hottie

Let Jack clear out some trees
so you can put in that garden you've always wanted.
He certainly knows how to wield a big axe.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Humpday Hottie

 Wanted a man who empties the dishwasher.
And if you want to really sweep me off my feet load it too …..then baby I’m all yours. The sight of you with those plates in your hand has me tingling from head to toe. Oh I’m all yours darlin’ and I ain’t ever gonna let you go.

What do you think ladies….does a man who will do the dishes start your engine?


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hump Day Hotttie

 Helpful Hump Day Hottie.
It's a lovely day to hang the sheets out on the line. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Humpday Help - Plot Bunnies

For the next several weeks, Humpday Help will attempt to explain Plot Bunnies. First of all, a Plot Bunny is an idea for a story that gnaws at the brain until written.
Some well known plot bunnies that have been positively identified. There are various breeds, thousands of them, and many aren't even tied to writing. Inventors and scientists have their own breeds of plot bunnies that lead them to discoveries where A leads to B which jumps to G or even Z.
Here are a few Plot Bunnies that commonly plague writers.
The Lop-eared Sitting Around Talking Shorthair
Physical Characteristics: Lop ears, short brown/grey flecked fur
How to identify his presence: When your characters inevitably come to a point where the plot simply won't advance, so they sit on a couch/the ground/ a golf cart/ a pirate ship and start talking about nothing in particular. Some couple thousand words later, a plot bunny pops up, grins, and heads off! It can always be discovered in this kind of plot stall, and it's known for waiting until the last possible moment (the moment when you are about to throw your laptop across the table) to come and create a diversion.
The Mystery Plot Bunny
Physical Characteristics: Black, short hair with small, pointed ears.
How to identify his presence: This bunny is attracted to plots which aren't usually intended to have any mystery. The bad guys are known, the goal is visible, but suddenly the Mystery Plot Bunny appears and there's a piece of information lacking, a lost object, or an unknown baddie that needs to be discovered and stopped.
This bunny is known to complicate plots far more than they need to be. Usually can be made happy with a missing item, but sometimes demands the more involved mysteries.
Killer bunny
Physical Characteristics: Small, white, red eyes
How to identify his presence: Not unlike the much-feared Monty Python variety, this little white bunny looks harmless as you're writing along, and then up close, abruptly kills off a character you weren't expecting to kill - at least, you didn't intend for it to go right THEN! In its wake, it leave behind a host of new plot opportunities... as well as some definite Closed Paths.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Humpday Help - Need a Bartender?

It's Spring Break, so kick your feet up and relax. 
Let the cabana boy take care of all your needs.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Humpday Help - Today's helpful honey

What a wild weekend. My house is still a mess. But lucky me, I have a helpful honey who cleaned up my kitchen for me. What a great guy, now he's taking time to clean up after himself as well.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Humpday Help

Here's a helpful honey for you. He's great with washing dishes... and other things.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Humpday Help - A poem

In this busy week, take a moment and enjoy the world around you. I love the day, but I prefer the night and the midnight sun. My favorite is when I can see the moon during the day. Sit back and enjoy my rambling.

The Moon

I looked up from the cement world
and saw the moon today.

What a pleasant surprise!
He may have even looked my way.

I stood in my white cloak
Made of angels small.

I wanted to find my voice
But my body headed the call.

Every night I look to him
Wondering if he looks back at me.

Perhaps when I turn around,
He casts a glance to see.

Did I give him a smile?
Did my heart jump on my sleeve?

He graciously walked away,
Oh, the webs that we weave!

My mind tells me that he is dead,
My heart calls out to him.

I pray for him each day,
My hope never grows dim.

Only at night to I stand to gaze
In my cloak of white.

The small angles sleeping
Hidden from sight.

I speak in soft whispers
I’m sure he never hears.

I just wish for him to know
How I hold him so dear.

He loved me once then
Cast me to earth.

But my love remains,
And admiration grows from this dirt.

Memories of tenderness come
Rays of moonlight caress my skin.

Emotions never forgotten
But hidden within.

With my arms, I reach to the moon
Embracing the light cast below.

I’m sure he does not see me,
To him I am only a shadow.

I was surprised to see the moon
In the daylight, alive and well.

Tonight I will send him a smile
And in the shadow’s I will dwell.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Humpday Help - Chocolate

When a girlfriend lets you know you have chocolate on your mouth, you've been blessed with two pleasures - her company and some really good chocolate!