Friday, January 16, 2015

Welcome Home

A good friend of mine is returning home this week. He proudly serves in the US Marine Corps. For the last year he was on tour in Afghanistan.  He is also my main sounding board and research contact for creating the Marines and their stories in my Legend of the Spirit series.

He’s been very generous guiding me through the rank and file of mixing my imagination with the reality of the USMC. Best of all, we’ve shared a lot of laughs. I think he might have a little writer living inside him.

Previously on this blog, I’ve discussed who couples separated by miles and time can keep their fire alive. It takes a special person to serve this country and an extra special person to love him.

First I’d like to thank his beautiful wife, Annie, for letting me borrow her man and pick his brain. I try to leave as much mind intact after I was done but he was a little twisted to begin with. LOL Just kidding. And.. special thanks to the man himself…“Whiskey Rick”… for his service to this country and my muse.

The book “Hawk’s Honor” is dedicated to “Whiskey Rick” and Annie.

Keep in mind, while many of our service men and women return home, more are just beginning their tours. Authors Supporting Our Troops will be collecting books again to send out those stationed abroad. I will post info when it comes in.
semper fi
Proud to be a Marine’s daughter.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Facebook Diet

How long are you on Facebook? How often do you check it during the day? Is it interfering with your work?


Here are few steps to go on a Facebook Diet.

1. Turn on Tag Review to avoid being distracted by everyone tagging you. Feel free to remove yourself from tags.

2. Turn off Facebook Chat. It can sucker you in.

3. Select Stop Notifications to prevent you from being notified every time someone comments on a post you’ve liked/commented on.

4. Hide your Sidebar and you’ll your Facebook Ticker. Put away the temptation to look.

5. Try the Chrome plug in “Newsfeed Eradicator for Facebook”.  It will replace your newsfeed with motivational quotes.

6. Turn off all game notifications.

7. Me? I’m not all that tech savvy and would spend too much time trying to figure out how to do all the above. So I just take a kitchen timer and keep it next to my computer. I set a time and when the dinger rings, I close Facebook. (I also do not have FB on my phone.)