Saturday, January 30, 2021

New Yoga Assistant

Our new girl has been with us for a month. Even though she's getting into our routine,  me doing yoga every morning is still a puzzle. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

#FridayFunFact - Sex Dolls

Authors are experts at researching and we often come across trivia and interesting facts.

Grab another cup of java and get ready for something that will make you go, "Hmmmm...."

SEX DOLL -  1941
The urban legend is that "During World War II, Nazi Germany was responsible for creating the world’s first sex doll, code name: Borghild.  The “field-hygienic project” was initiated by Himmier, and was said to create the doll as a “counterbalance” to the sexual tension felt between his storm troopers."
Are your eyes rolling?
The more believable story is of French and Spanish sailors of the sixteenth century creating "dolls" by sewing clothing and fabric. Later, the Dutch and the Japanese had versions as well.
First manufactured "dolls" show up around 1908. In the 1920's, artists became involved and were often commissioned to create more life-like dolls. The 1950's led to the "Barbie" appearance. 
Today, the market for sex dolls is pricy. They can sell for up to $3000.  

Monday, January 25, 2021

New Book Coming Soon from KT Egan

 My pal, KT Egan, has been busy. 

She has another awesome book coming soon! Check it out!

The Family Recipe

to preorder your copy of The Family Recipe on Amazon today!

Cheyenne Anderson’s world is thrown upside down by her grandfather’s sudden passing and his last request - that she relocate to his small town of Penn Ridge, Pennsylvania to look after his prized Retirement House. She’s further shaken when she meets Jesse, a dreamy widower with two adorable kids and a few secrets of his own. Can Jesse and Cheyenne help each other heal and move forward?

KT Egan joined us for a fireside chat a few weeks ago.
If you missed it, CLICK HERE to check it out.

Tea Time - #YogiTeaTag #Inspiration

The weather is cold and gloomy. My fibromyalgia is kicking my butt. 

I grabbed a Honey Chia Tumeric tea. The spicy blend will warm me up and tumeric is said to be good to fight inflammation. 
Today's Yogi Tea Tag reads
"Happiness is an acomplishment"

True. Happiness is not a gift. It's something you work for and often find within yourself.  Take a minute to smile at yourself in the mirror.  Its ok... you are worth it!

Monday Mojo - Beer? Beer.

I'm not much of a beer drinker but I certainly appreciate a fine craft brew from local breweries. 

Even in college I didn't drink much....BEER. (I hear the chirps from my sisters in the peanut gallery.) Anyways, I came across an old photo of a night when I wore beer. Yes.. it was literally poured on my head. I must say my hair was soft for days afterward! It certainly calmed my bad perm.

Yikes! That's me on the right, junior year of college.

Some say Budweiser is the best conditioner!


Oh... here's a newsflash: Beer makes semen taste bad!
                                        Beer (and coffee) will give semen a very bitter flavor.

If you don't like that bitter taste, let your man know that after he consumes too much brew, 
you won't be going down on your knees anytime soon. 

Hmmm....I wonder if beer tainted semen would be a good hair conditioner. 

We already know semen makes good hair gel.

Don't know the reference?
Grab your honey and watch the Rom-Com,
"There's Something About Mary" 1998.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

SNEAK PEEK SUNDAY - Handcuffs & Silk

Today's Sneak Peek is from Handcuffs & Silk
A 1 Night Stand Story

Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is a tough Las Vegas cop who many men find too intimidating to date. Steph begins to wonder if something is wrong with her so she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.

Hunter Mason left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different. Turning to 1 Night Stand, he hopes to sample his options.

A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.


Pausing for a moment after shaving, Hunter gazed at his reflection in the mirror. Rubbing the smooth part of his neck where a collar had rested for over a year, he remembered the day Ericka removed the soft, blue, leather strap with her initials stamped on it. Funny how he hadn’t felt pain or loss when the relationship ended, but he’d never had a strong bond with Ericka. He’d questioned himself and whether he satisfied her. No matter, she recognized their relationship as unfulfilling and encouraged him to return to Vegas.

Not only did he leave New York and his lover, but also a way of life. He’d gotten too comfortable being taken care of by others. Somewhere, he’d lost a part of himself. The need to stand on his own two feet crept to the surface.

After spending years practicing law on the East Coast, home felt strange. During the last year, his brothers had begged him to return and take his place in the family-owned law firm. As soon as he informed his brothers he’d come home, they began making living arrangements for him before he could change his mind. Not one to enjoy being alone, and looking forward to seeing his brothers, he arrived in town before the completed preparation of his new place. Hunter comfortably settled into a suite at the Castillo, the flagship hotel in an exquisite chain of luxury resorts and hotels.

A ding on his computer alerted him to a new email.

After neatly cleaning the sink and hanging his towels, he sat down to see what had arrived—an email from Madame Evangeline, owner of the dating service his oldest brother pushed him into using. Jason said a one-night stand with the right woman would cure what ailed him. Not really convinced a woman could fix whatever it was that ailed him, he hadn’t expected to receive a reply so soon, if at all. Somewhat apprehensive, he took a deep breath, opened the message, and quickly read the contents. 
Mr. Mason,
I am pleased to let you know I have found a wonderful date for you this evening. I’m sorry it’s such short notice. Miss Stephanie Johnson is a lovely lady with the type of personality I’m sure you will find to your liking, and perfectly capable of fulfilling your current desires. I simply suggest you dress in black for the evening and present your date with a single, dark-red rose in the lounge at the Castillo at six o’clock.

Please enjoy the bottle of wine I have arranged to be delivered to your room. 

Have a pleasurable evening, 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

15-Minute Meditation For Self Love

During busy days it's hard to make time for yourself. 

Do you get depressed or are hard on yourself?

Try a little self-love. Take a few minutes for YOU!

#Thursday13 - Cook Up Some Fun

With Covid and many in lock down, families have used this time to have fun in the kitchen. 

I love to look at winter through my kitchen windows. Not being one for the cold, I try to spend one day a week in the kitchen cooking with my family. In the beginning, thought it would good for our boys to learn to cook as well as see Flyboy & I having fun in silly ways. (I guess we've even taught the boys food prep can be romantic.)

Now days, we all look forward to family time in the kitchen. It's usually on the weekend when my eldest and his new wife come home to do laundry (and eat). When Flyboy Jr and his girl are home from school, they join  us to participate in the prep work. We've always been a bit of a foodie family and plan to keep the tradition of having meals together. 

Photo from 2014 when Jordie was just the girlfriend
and getting used to this crazy kitchen family time.

Here are a few ideas to cook up some fun.

1.      Be silly and wear an apron that says “Hot Stuff”…. Have hubby wear one that says “Grill Master”.

2.      Pickup the book Science Experiments You Can Eat from your library or local book store. Kids and grownups with have fun with this!  

3.      Wear shorts in the winter while making a Hawaiian dish.

4.      Find a fun Latin dish recipe and play salsa music. Dance in the kitchen.

5.      Try sipping a glass of red wine while cooking. Give the kids some non-alcoholic wine. 

Flyboy and the guys prepping meat for the smoker. 2020.

6.       Yummy scents such as pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla or even a batch of fresh cookies gets that blood flowing and the mouth watering. Find a recipe to make that can be eaten right away.

7.      Cut up fruits, sweet breads and or cookies to dip in chocolate. Try 'Nilla Waffers!  YUM!
8.      Cook with your honey. Use your fingers to mix ingredients, lick each others fingers, or have a food fight.

Flyboy & I prepping a meal for two.
Blindfold each other and taste test foods prepared with a variety of textures, tastes, and temperatures. Take turns feeding each other. One on one with your honey is romantic, with kids, this gets messy but a ton of fun.

10.  Play “Can you name this?” A blindfolded person tries to guess what various kitchen items and/or food items are.

11.  Can’t stop stirring that sauce? No problem! Delegate jobs. Give each person in the kitchen a chore to do – grade cheese, cut veggies, etc.

12.  Go to the store and purchase an unknown fruit or veggie. Go home look on line on ways to prepare it then head into the kitchen.

13.  Make a large batch of trail mix using your own ideas. Place a cup full in small bags and tie with colored ribbons or twine. Deliver to friends & relatives for a great mid-winter pick-me-up.

Grandma and the cat sometimes join us.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Ooo... look what I found...Mindful Meditation And Breathing Exercises

I've always believed a little is better than none.
I do 10 minutes of yoga every morning.
My goal this year is do it in the morning and at night.
I'd like to bring meditation back into my day. When I did meditation before, I always felt better both physically and mentally.

Here's a guided one I like...