Showing posts with label CovidHealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CovidHealth. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Touch Me, Babe

Listening to an old tune from The Doors while in a Covid lock-down inspired this post.

The media has featured how people are suffering depression and isolation because of not being able to be social. This lack of in-person communication and lack of personal touch plays havoc with the psyche.

Sure, sexual touches help with physical intimacy and keeps a relationship fresh and exciting. Touch between lovers, is a subtle reminder of the connection. But non-sexual touch is important too. A touch is reassuring and uplifting. It feels like some else understands us, relates with us and connects to us. A simple touch is a sign of trust, and the comfort reduces anxiety.

A touch makes you feel more loved, safe, and happy. The humblest movement leads to a happier, healthier you! Next time you touch someone or are touched, take note of how you feel.

Today's exercise:
Hold a hand
Give a hug
Tickle someone
Play footsie