Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday's Writing Prompt - Personal Landscapes

It's Wednesday and here's a Writing Prompt to help train your mind to write, to exercise your brain, to encourage you keep a journal. Use these prompts to break a writer's block if needed.

Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen. Write for 10 -15 minutes.


 Picture an outdoor place or landscape that was special to you in your childhood or some years back. It may be a location you saw frequently, somewhere you went occasionally, or a place you visited only once. It could be a garden, a road, a river, beach, playground, zoo, mountain, view from a window, the outside of a building. 

Describe the place, picking out features that were important to you. Include any sounds, colors, textures and smells you remember. Explain how you felt about the place and also how you feel as you think and write about it now.

Simple rules of keeping a journal:
* Sit in a comfortable place where you won't be interrupted for a few moments.
* Don't spend alot of time. Set a timer if needed. Use only a few minutes to write. Think of it as drinking a glass of water rather than an entire gallon. Once you get the  hang of it, you might have times where your thoughts may take up several pages.
* Don't be a critique. Journal entries are raw. Think of them as rough drafts if your wish, but don't change them. It may ruin the beauty of the words. If editing is your thing, save the original and edit a copy. Keep every draft you make. I've done that and it's fun to look back at the growth.
*Keep a journal in a notebook or on a computer. It doesn't matter. Whatever is comfortable to you. I like a journal I can hold and carry. There is something about writing with a pencil on paper that feels good.
* Don't just write, keep other things in your journal. Paste a poem or comic that you enjoyed. Clip an article. Save those doodles! Keep inspirational photos.

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