Thursday, August 13, 2020

#Thursday13 - Love Notes

Simple little love notes are a great way of letting someone you love know you are thinking of them. 

This is a recycled post from 2018 but I thought about it would be perfect today.
My fly-boy hubby leaves today and I've already slipped some cute little notes in his suitcase.
I carefully tuck them between folds of clothing. He enjoys finding the love notes during his two weeks he's away from home. 
It's fun to leave little love notes around the house.

Stash a note somewhere you know your honey will find it. Here are a few of my favorite hiding places...

1. In his underwear drawer.
2.Tapped to the bathroom mirror.
3. Inside the case of his favorite CD.
4. On the visor in the car.
5. In a favorite coffee mug.
6. As a sticky note on the computer monitor.
7. Under his pillow.
8. Inside the latest Bass Pro Shop ad.
9. Wrapped around the dog's collar.
10. Tucked in his sneakers.
11. Taped to the TV.
12. In the refrigerator on a carton of milk.
13. On the TV remote.

Happy Thursday 13!
CLICK HERE to read some more amazing Thursday 13 lists!


CountryDew said...

I've been married for 34 years and I stopped doing things like this some time ago. Maybe it is time I leave him a note here or there (the last time, I wrote all over the bathroom wall because he'd promised to paint it after he tore the wallpaper off and then a year passed . . . so I wrote "I love you" everywhere. He painted it then.).

Ron. said...

We definitely hafta keep them posted. I thought you might enjoy this:

CountryDew said...

Nice one to repost. Good reminder. Now if only he could read without his glasses.

Mary Quast said...

My hubby is the same, CountryDew. He'll squint and mumble about needing his glasses and they'll be sitting on top of his head! LOL

Colleen Looseleaf said...

I hide stuff like that for my grandson to find. He hides it back for me!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Great post! It has been a long while since I've left notes or found notes from him. Methinks it's time to have some note-y fun again.