Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sensual Food - Spice up your sex life

Did you know that some of the most familiar culinary spices are highly valued for their medicinal and aphrodisiac properties? For instance, Ginger, stimulates the circulation, and is a reputed aphrodisiac. Cinnamon excites sexual response in women. Other libido enhancers include aniseed, cloves, cardamom, cumin, coriander, fennel seeds, nutmeg, pepper, and vanilla. Some spices combine nicely with milk and ice cream for ideal cooling to the body and inflaming the passions. Try to use pure, whole or organic spices and grind them yourself.

Try these two refreshing and stimulating shakes.

Cinnamon Girl
Blend chocolate ice cream with milk, real chocolate sauce and cinnamon essence for a sensational milkshake.

Venus and Mars
This delicious potion combines coriander and strawberries (representing Venus) with ginger and black pepper (representing Mars) to forge the union of heaven's most passionate couple. Stand the ground 1 tsp coriander and 1 tsp ginger in a cup of warm milk for five minutes. Refrigerate for an hour. Blend a handfull of strawberries with the spicy milk, strawberry ice cream and a dash of black pepper.

How you share these recipes with your love is totally up to you and your imagination.

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