Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Well.... here I am.

I started this grey, gloomy, cold day by writing two Presbyterian 101 columns. These are little articles published in a monthly newsletter my church sends out. It is a humorous (and occasionally serious) column that also gives a Christian lesson regarding the Presbyterian faith. (I am also authoring new Christain Education lessons for an after school program for my church.)

Fast forward....
after three cups of coffee....
I signed up for this blog. "Finally!" according to some of my writer friends. LOL.

Now, if you put 2+2 together you might see that I write Christian lessons as well as contemporary romance. That is very right. Let's just hope I send the propper downloads to the correct publisher! I also edited a cookbook... shhhh... I really like to cook too, especially when it involves chocolate.

I have completed three contemporary romance with a twist novels and I'm currently working on two more in the series of five. I must say at times it is difficult to find time to write being a mom to three boys - ages 11, 7, and 3. But my family also helps me stay grounded.

Speaking of being grounded, it's time to rally the boys, get them dressed and onto their chores, feed a toad to the turtle, pat the guinea pigs, hug my dog, kiss my husband, grab another cup of coffee and work on book #4, "Fortunate Soul". Life is always an adventure in my house.

And remember:
adventure is all about personal discovery; possibilities are infinite.


Chelle Cordero said...

Welcome to blogspot!

Jacquie Rogers said...

Mary, you did it!!! :)

And I love your first post, too. Perfect.
