Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Baking and Blueberry Wine?

It's blueberry season here in Michigan. My town is getting ready to celebrate the 50th Blueberry Festival next week.

I'm making zucchini bread using Grandma's recipe but putting a spin on it by tossing in some blueberries. 
After the insane day I had, a glass of wine will be perfect compliment to my baking activity. 

I pull a bottle of the rack. White wine is usually served cold. No problem.  I simply toss in some frozen blueberries and I'm good to go. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Coffee on the Porch

Flyboy and I enjoy a few quiet moments on the porch sipping coffee and discussing the itinerary for the day.
Notice the little black furry butt. Reyka loves sitting at the top of the porch steps holding court with the wild critters.

Friday, July 23, 2021

A Good Yoga Morning

I woke to rain but the perfect temperature lured me to the porch for yoga. Mona kept me company while the pup watched from the window. My yoga time went a little longer than normal because it felt so good.
Jenny wren fussed and fussed because we were too close to her nest.
Mr. & Mrs. Wren reside in the airplane bird house.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Reyka and Bloodymary

Reyka informed us she enjoys a spicy Bloodymary.
Flyboy gave her a shot glass full of the beverage; spice, hot sauce, horseradish and booze included.

She insisted washing the shot glass herself.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Quiet Morning

Sometimes you need to have a few moments of peace and tranquility. I often find such moments of calm on my porch in the morning.
I enjoy the twittering birds and the lush greens of summer. 

The best part is sharing this time with my sweet Flyboy. We may have a bit of quiet conversation or simply enjoy the refreshing time.

Saturday, June 26, 2021


Enjoying my coffe on the porch with my girl. 

It's been several months since we brought her home and she's still learning about the world. Reyka is facinated with the morning birds and neighborhood traffic. The porch is a favorite place to be.

"Do you hear that, Mom? What is it?"

Thursday, June 10, 2021

My Baby is 16


My youngest was born with a hole in his heart, a bowel obstruction and one kidney. He suffered a seizure at a year old that left him paralyzed for a few days. He didn't speak at all. 

Lucky for us a wonderful teacher noticed his intelligence and recommended he go into regular kindergarten. He worked with a speech therapist several days a week until 5th grade. 

Little Man thrived in school. Not only has he become athletic (plays football & baseball) he's been #1 academically in his class for Freshman and Sophomore years.

Today is his 16th birthday. 

I look at him and am amazed with how far he's come. Flyboy and I are super proud of him and thankful for all those who have helped our son over the years grow into the wonderful young man he's becoming.

Sunday, June 6, 2021


First time out this year! 
Time on the river.

New Yoga Partner

My new girl hasn't figured out her manners while I do yoga outside on the deck.
She thinks its play time.
Once she found a bone to chew on and claimed a corner of the mat, i managed to complete my routine.
My Word of Intention for the day is BEAUTIFUL. I will look for the beauty of the day and try to share it with others.

What is your intention for the day?

Flyboy says his is to get put in the boat and to get moving do we can go.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

I Confess

Alison Luterman is a poet, essayist and playwright. 
Her books include 
The Largest Possible Life, 
See How We Almost Fly, 
and Desire Zoo.