Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2008

Painted Soul - excerpt 2

A contemporary romance with a twist, Painted Soul is a story that takes the reader on a wonderful ride in an artist’s life, through the streets of London, and into the shadows of the underground.

Elizabeth McAlister was only eighteen when she met the art student, Puzzola in a London nightclub and gave him her heart. Ten years later, they meet again when a summer of intense passion and dark secrets begins.

As Elizabeth falls deeper in love with Puzzola, she tries to rescue him from tortured memories he refuses to discuss. Eventually, his double life and erotic past are exposed in a local newspaper just as he is involved in a life-threatening accident.


“I used to get butterflies just thinking about Puzzola or the night we met,” the sherry was loosening her tongue. "Now I’m in the same country and I’m going crazy knowing he’s not far away. I feel tingles all over. Am I nuts? I don’t even really know him, we just danced and that was ten years ago!”

Erick tapped her on the nose. “You are not nuts. He may be closer than you think,” he laughed. “He’s still hot for you, I’m sure,” he moaned. “I wish I were in your shoes right now!”

“What?” Elizabeth laughed. “I thought you preferred women.”

“Ugh!” Erick put her in a headlock and rubbed the top of her head with his knuckles. “I do prefer women! Don’t ever think that again, young lady!” He released her with a shove, “I meant the idea of embarking on the greatest trip of your life. I remember an artist I slept with once, and she was incredible! She was even better than the dancer. Oh the dancer could move alright, but the artist was so creative,” he jeered. “You should have seen them together. Hot!”

“Now you’re grossing me out,” she threw a pillow at her brother’s sultry grin.

He caught the pillow but didn’t lose the grin, “Well since we are having a heart to heart conversation and sex is one of the topics, can I ask you something?”

“You ask me? This is a first. Shoot away, brother dear.”

“Who did you give your virginity to? Was it that guy in college?”

Elizabeth couldn’t believe she was having this discussion with her brother. The sherry must have been stronger that she thought.

“Yes, it was Rob.”

She recalled the sexy young artist from her classes. Rob Duvall, tall, dark and handsome. His passion for his art surpassed her passion for painting. There was sexual tension between them from the first day they met. It was only a short time before he convinced her to pose nude for a drawing. Only she ended up in his bed, and many other places, time and time again. He took her when he wanted, and left her feeling exhausted and empty every time he walked out the door. Their relationship turned into a game of how quick, how often and how few words.

“He looked a bit like Puzzola. But he was a total jerk, Elizabeth. I was pleased when you broke up with him.”

“Things just didn’t feel right, Erick. We were great together in the studio, the dark room and the gallery,” she laughed at her brother’s gaping expression. “But we couldn’t carry on a normal conversation. Do you suppose, in my subconscious, he was a substitute for Puzzola?”

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lost Mind - Please Return to Owner

So I couldn't remember where on my desk top I placed the link to my Blogspot. So it took me days to find it. So I couldn't remember my password. So it took me another day to clean my desk to find the piece of paper I wrote it upon. So here I am. Where's my chocolate?

I think dark chocolate is the most wonderful food in the universe. However, I have noticed how my beloved sweet is getting the recognition it's deserved after all these years. Sure, now it's good for you! Have a little square daily with a glass of red wine and it'll cure what ails ya! Works for me.

But have you noticed how the chocolate now comes in different "flavors" and a variety of names? Some dark chocolate is carob, some is more bitter than others. Hey, just give it to me... I'll do all the taste-testing needed. It's good for me, right?

I look down and see a litter of small purple wrappers that seemed to have missed the garbage basket. Oops, my secret is out. I look into a lovely little box located on the top shelf of my desk. Many of those horded kisses are missing. So, I travel down to my eldest son's room and there sitting on his desk in a neat arrangement is five purple foiled dark chocolate kisses. It's official, the kids have found my stash.

Now to find a new hiding place, but within reach of my keyboard for those intense writing moments when a burst of chocolate is needed. Hmm..... I'll have to swear the guinea pig living in my office to silence. He'll do anything for celery these days.

I think I'll nibble on a delicious dark square while I sit and think about this situation. Yummy... this is good for me.