Showing posts with label #HolidayTips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #HolidayTips. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2020

Make that list, check it twice

Now that Thanksgiving is over and the turkey is gone, the focus is turned towards preparing for Christmas. You might feel a bit pressured as you organize, decorate, bake, and shop. After all this season may be a little more stressful than other years because it is sooooo different. 

 Here's a simple little holiday checklist for the first week of December that might help. 

 * Arrange for babysitters. 
* Compile holiday playlist 
* Stock up on frozen meals. Great for those times when you're too busy. 
* Buy toilet paper and not just because it's Covid, running out during the season is a real bummer. 
* Create guest baskets. Arrange sample sized beauty or body care items in a little basket.
* Bake goodies with a long shelf life or can be frozen. Take a variety of goodies, Box, bag or tin them and deliver to friends and family.
* Check all your electronics. Charge digital cameras, purchase batteries, find important cords, etc.