Thursday, July 16, 2020

Blueberries? Wine Not?

Sometimes the lack of patience overcomes me.
I wanted a cool glass of wine but the fridge was bare of vino. So like a bad girl, I added a couple of ice cubes to my glass. I grabbed a handful of fresh berries and tossed them in my mouth. As I bit down, freezing cold shot through my jaw. Holy cow! Someone had turned up the temp of the veggie drawer.
Hmmm... I grabbed another handful of berries and dropped them into my glass then added the wine. 

The wine chilled nicely, abet watered down. As I finished my beverage, the treat of wine soaked berries awaited my consumption. And oh, what a treat it was!

Leelanau Cellers is one of my favorite wineries located in Northern Michigan. Their Riesling wines are some of the most sought after wines in the state. Semi-sweet wine with ribbons of seasonal fruit such as peaches, apples, or pears ready to wrap your senses into a delightful bow.

The Tall Ship family of wines honors the heritage of the tall ships, or schooners, that were common on the Great Lakes. The huge canvas sails of these ships were truly majestic and became representative of a nostalgic escape to a time and age when fine craftsmanship reigned.

The Tall Ship Riesling is a late harvest fruit layered wine. Great enjoyed alone or with your honey. Try pairing it with cheese and smoked fish. 

To cool wine quickly, place a strainer with ice cubes over a glass. Pour wine. As the wine passes the ice and through the strainer, the temperature cools without watering the wine down.

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