Thursday, June 11, 2020

Morning Yoga Doggie Style

Yoga is good for me but what's with the wet nose in my face?
I love doing my morning yoga. 
When you do yoga as the first thing you do in the day,  and it becomes habit,  your body will automatically adjust the time to wake up as well as the time  to fall asleep.  I find I wake with more energy and I'm inspired to tackle the day.
Even though dogs stretch and do normal yoga poses, they simply enjoy stretching.  However, your dog is in tune with your stress and anxiety. When you are calm, they're feeding off it and are essentially calm as well. A calm dog is happy and of course wants to share the joy, thus the wet nose and kisses while you are in a yoga pose. 
Today's  YOGI tea tag- "When you become a part of the universe,  the universe becomes a part  of you."

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