Sunday, March 1, 2020


Wow, how time flies! Today I turn 53. 
My mom was in her late 30's when she had me and I was born between two major blizzards.
Oh, fun fact...I was born in the same hospital as Stevie Wonder.

Let's take a look back at my birth year.

Some major events from 1967:
Super Bowl I: Green Bay Packers vs Kansas City Chiefs - score 35-10

#2 song of the year was "Ruby Tuesday" by the Rolling Stones.
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles was the hot album.

Most popular Movie was The Dirty Dozen but In The Heat of the Night won the Academy award. Mike Nichols won for best director of The Graduate.

The Arrangement by Eliz Kazan was the most popular Fiction book.

The Andy Griffith Show followed by the Lucy Show were the most popular television shows.

The Public Broadcasting System was created.

Louis Leakey announces the discovery of Pre-human fossils in Kenya.

Apollo 1 astronauts are killed when fire broke out in the spacecraft during launch pad test.

The first Boeing 737 takes its maiden flight. (Pretty cool since I'm married to a pilot who flies Boeing airplanes.)

Large demonstrations against the Vietnam War in NY and CA.

Elvis and Priscilla get hitched.

The first automatic cash machine is installed in a London bank.

Worst race riots in US history happen in Detroit. (My home town is Saginaw, a couple hours north.)

Jim Morrison gets into censorship trouble when he sings the word "higher" in the song "Light My Fire" during a television show.

Jungle Book, the last animated film personally supervised by Disney is released.

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