Wednesday, February 26, 2020

#WednesdayWritingPrompt - Negative and Positive

Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen.

Positive: List three experiences you have had that were interesting, satisfying, illuminating or uplifting. Choose one of the experiences and write about it for seven minutes, concentrating on your feelings and thoughts.

Negative: List three experiences you have had that upset, angered or disturbed you in some way. Choose one of the experiences and write about it for seven minutes, concentrating on your feelings and thoughts.

Here’s an example from Jim Johnston

I was dizzy by the time I found the room where they did blood tests. Outside, it was a waiting area full of people. I couldn’t sit down, paced up and down. Frightened of a little jab, I sneered at myself. “You’re not a child of ten. You’re supposed to be a man of 32.”

“Something wrong?” The nurse was a slight little thing with kind eyes.

I couldn’t help myself: “it’s the blood, I can’t bear the sight of it.”

 “No problem, “she smiled. “We’ll make sure you don’t see any. You’d be surprised how many we get inhere like that, my little love.”

Little love! I’m over six feet. She barely reached my elbow. We both laughed and suddenly I was half crying, saying. She sat me down with a paper cup of tea. I’ve never felt such a fool in my life!

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