Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Journal Writing Prompt - In This Moment

Are you snowed in? Are you in self-isolation? Are you in lock down mode? 

Many people have taken time during covid to begin writing or at least keeping a journal.
Writing in a journal is a great way to relax and escape.

Here's a little Writing Prompt 
to help train your mind to write, 
to exercise your brain, 
to get you started putting thoughts down.


Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen. Write for 10 -15 minutes.

This exercise is one of my favorites. 

Read the following questions then close your eyes.

What sounds do you hear? Do you notice any odors? How is the temperature?
Are you in a relaxed state?

Now, open your eyes and immediately pick up your pen/pencil 
and write about the first thing that comes to mind.


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