Wednesday, March 1, 2017

50 And Fabulous

Turning 50 is a milestone, but I don't plan on using it as an excuse to slow down in life. My children are older, my health is improving and I am going to use this time and energy I have to not act my age. I've accepted the lines on my face and so what that a few places are a little softer than what they were when I was 25. I will wear my laugh lines and stretch marks with pride.

My dad used to say, "Age is a state of mind." I remember watching him play football on a beach near Camp Lejeune with a couple young marines when he was in his 70's. The next day, he received a nice massage from my mom.

I'm embracing this second anniversary of my 25th birthday and vow to live life to the fullest. I will be romantic, passionate, silly, and adventurous.

Come on ladies my age...let your inner diva shine. Who's with me?

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