Sunday, August 10, 2008

Interesting Book Finds

I love collecting books as much as reading them. Recently I found a few I'd like to share the titles with other writers.

"The Right to Write" by Julia Cameron. This is a good book for those who are in a writer's block or simply afraid to put pen to paper and write the story floating around their head. A few exercises are included and I found the book to be a bit spiritual: "Writing is sensual, experiential, grounding." I saw writing in a whole new light and it was beautiful.

"On Writing Romance" by Leigh Michaels. Another eye-opening book that takes the reader from the origins of the romance novel to how to establish the framework for one's own work. Great advice on getting one's work ready for submitting. Reading this gave me the sense of doing the right stuff and gave me ideas to better myself as a writer.

"Writing for Self-Discovery" by Myra Schneider & John Killick has become my bible of writing. The simple personal exercises in this book brought me out of a major writing slump. I highly recommend this book to be on every writer's shelf as medicine for the mind when it is infected with severe writer's block.

I know there are many great books out there. But these are a few I found at a used bookstore. I'm always looking for old cookbooks and antique children's books, but can't help myself and always check out every inch of the shop. Being in summer and the time of garage sales, a writer may find books like these for $1 or less!

1 comment:

Kaige said...

Great finds! I really enjoyed the Leigh Michaels book. As you said, very eye-opening. I ended up blogging a bit about it back in March. if you're curious.