Friday, August 22, 2008

Go Barefoot!

How many times a day do I hear, "Mom, where are my shoes?" or "Mom, Nathan's barefoot again."? I feel like I'm on an endless search for shoes or chasing after a three year old who insists on not wearing them. Even at church, within a few minutes the shoes and socks miraculously disappear!

Today, I've been on the go getting the two older boys ready for school. I entered the house to be greeted in a thrush of hugs, snuggles and two adorable bare feet. Even when they are dirty I love to tickle those toes. Like a blast of air, he was off and running to join his brothers in play.

Finding myself in a quiet moment, I sat and took off my shoes. The wood of the floor felt cool against my feet. So I decided I too would be barefoot for the day.

Have you ever noticed how good the grass feels in between your toes? Walking through the yard takes me back to my childhood when I was barefoot most of the time. As an adult, when I have naked feet I feel a child-like spirit speaking to my heart. I find myself enjoying the little things such as butterflies, worms, and flowers.

In a religious sense, I thought about when the voice from a burning bush told Moses to take off his shoes because he was standing on Holy ground. He realized God was speaking to him. When we take off our shoes and feel the greatness of nature, is God perhaps speaking to us?

So let's take off our shoes, wriggle our toes and take the time to enjoy the small things in nature and in life!

1 comment:

Eda Suzanne said...

Your son is adorable and there is nothing wrong with clutter. Boring people have nothing on their desks.

Eda Suzanne